Finding the Modern Fossils | Teen Ink

Finding the Modern Fossils

January 13, 2019
By cpkraft20 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
cpkraft20 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a stormy day at the beginning of another long school year. I was looking through my dirty room littered with clothes and trash all over the floor as my father was doing laundry for our family and my sister Grace was hypnotized by Netflix in her room. I went into my closet filled with shoes: Nike, Adidas, and Reebok. Then I saw my old Wii games in my closet on the top shelf of my clothes racks. I was in shock that I had just saw the games. It was almost as if I was looking at a dinosaur straight from my room. My fingers were twitching as my eyes were staggering with shock like I just saw lightning strike our house. My eyes dilated because of how rare that event was for me. It made me wonder about how I hadn't used those games since about 2009 due to that being about the time I started playing on the XBox 360 and then now, the XBox One which both have better graphics and much better games. I had no idea in the world on why I still had these old Wii games. The games were fun, addicting--and super low resolution. The graphics were literally horrible compared to my new console. If the Wii was a small fish, the Xbox is a great white shark. I bet the dust on those games have collected have made them unplayable. They were fossils of our modern era. I probably could have sold these games at GameStop and got a few bucks and I could have gotten a smoothie at Tropical Smoothie. But I didn’t over all of these years and it’s difficult to think why not.

The Wii made me I think about playing Wii sports with my sister who is now in college, or I thought about me playing college football 08 with my cousin Zach. Most of all, it made me think about the good ol days when there was no worries. When I didn’t care about having a car or gettings A’s and I cared about getting grade A toys. Also when I used to play around outside with my superhero cape and I had so much fun that in those moments I was superman himself. I haven't been keeping my Wii because of those reasons. I didn’t even remember my Wii until today. I don't even know why my mother or father didn't even tell me about how I still had these. I honestly just forgot about them. I never cared about these games because they had no personal benefit to me, my family, or my future. However, I had the games and I saw them right in front of me. I saw the graphic cover of the lego batman game and also the bright yellow SpongeBob SquarePants the cover of another old dusty game.

So what was keeping me from bringing them to GameStop right then? I have always adored money, but I couldn’t sell them. But all of a sudden I had a light bulb go off in my head. Everytime I looked at those games, they made me remember the past. Not just me playing those low resolution video games, but important moments such as me getting my cat named Jade who had black, brown, white beautiful fur who is now out of my life. I remembered me in my old wooden light blue house before I moved away. I could remember when I was just a small tiny boy that still had a super innocent hyper voice. Back then, I only cared about two things--having fun and staying away from school. Most of all, I could remember when my family was still together and happy. I remember when my sister Grace who I regret not seeing enough. I could remember my whole family going on vacations such as Yellowstone before our family’s nasty divorce which made my junior year even more rough. I could attempt to play these games but probably not because they are pretty lame compared to the games I have now. Besides, I have too much homework in my classes to do any games. I am growing up physically and mentally and I was fate to move apart from my Xbox.

However, the Wii and those mediocre games are a spectacular reminder of my past and how I lived and loved it. As a matter of fact, when I looked through my room, I focused in on all of these little nick-nacks that had some sort of space in my heart and soul. I saw my baseball I caught at a Tigers game. I saw a participation trophy from Chiefs football when I played with giants and actually played a sport besides sailing in the summer. I tried in Chiefs; I failed miserably. I saw my grandfathers wood carving elephant made of oak wood he presented to me a week before going to a better place. At the end of our lives, we will look at these special objects to remind us of the life we left behind. These games, toys, and nicknacks are the little bumps in a tree which makes the tree unique. Our lives are always changing for better or worse and sometimes we can’t see it coming, but these objects will give us memories that will give us hope and joy and if we don't have them, a chunk of our lives will be empty.

The author's comments:

I made this memoir for a school project. When I did it, it really stuck to me and reminded me about the hardships going on in my life such as my parents getting a divorce. This Memoir is one of the most emotional essays I have done. I hope that who ever reads this discovers a great universal meaning and purpose.

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