Dixie State Ambassador Application | Teen Ink

Dixie State Ambassador Application

March 7, 2019
By naomicampbell BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, Utah
naomicampbell BRONZE, Saratoga Springs, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi! I’m Naomi Campbell and I want to be a Dixie State Ambassador! I’m screaming this out loud as I type because I want it that much! Seriously. I lived in St. George for a few years when I was younger, and return several times a year to visit extended family, so it has always felt like home. That’s why I signed up to take a tour of Dixie a few months ago and BAM, I was in love!

Matt McIntyre was the ambassador who showed me DSU’s beautiful campus and informed me about the awesome benefits of being a Trailblazer. For example, how small the ratio between professor and student is, and how Dixie has the lowest tuition cost of all four-year state institutions in Utah. I was amazed by the Holland Building, with it’s moving bookshelves which give students more space to study. I also discovered how much DSU cares about their students when I heard they had specifically asked students what they would like in the new library. We drove around on the golf cart and toured Campus View Suites too, where he made sure to warn me that sand volleyball is a religion at Dixie, so I better start playing!

I pestered him with questions about Dixie’s dental hygiene clinic and was shocked to hear that they have a bus with dental operatories! He asked me questions too, about where I was from and what I wanted to study. I told him I had moved around a bunch as a kid, from Georgia to Indiana to Utah, and was currently living in Saratoga Springs. I also told him I wanted to study Dental Hygiene because I’m taking half my High School classes at a technical college for Dental Assisting and love it! I currently intern after school at three different dental offices where I’ve heard from their dental hygienists how great Dixie’s program is. This campus tour convinced me that DSU is where I want to go. It also convinced me that I want to be a Dixie State Ambassador so I can tell others how awesome Dixie is, and help them make this life decision for their future.

I have this wild obsession with getting to know people; I want to hear every single human beings life story and become their ‘soccer mom’. I love making friends so much, it became the only reason I auditioned for the school musical every year in middle school. They must’ve known this and felt bad, because I’m actually terrible at acting and tone-deaf! I did really love organizing our cast parties, and I didn’t mind being on stage, so my teacher told me to run for ninth grade Class Representative. Best decision ever!! I started high school on Student Council and the Cheer team (another miracle for me, whose tumbling skills don’t exceed a cartwheel)... so not only was I participating in school events, dances, games, performances, and assemblies, I was planning them! Organizing our Homecoming carnival and parade, putting together the Sophomore Jello War, cheering for athletes and clubs at events, starting my high school’s first “Cheapskates” dance, serving in our school’s Christmas fundraiser every year, and running on the cross country team taught me how important teamwork is. You know the saying, “Teamwork makes a dream work?” There is some serious truth! When you’re a part of a team, you are a part of a family. You show up for one another, you fulfill your responsibilities, and you serve just because you love them. I dream of doing all this with my DSU family this fall. So I scream out loud again, I’m Naomi Campbell and I want to be a Dixie State Ambassador!

The author's comments:

I wrote this cover letter as part of my application to become an ambassador for the school I'm attending in the fall, let's hope I get in!

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