Night of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

Night of a Lifetime

March 11, 2019
By chloecweeks BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
chloecweeks BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We all have that one friend that you can really relate to, right? I believe I was about 10, in fourth grade maybe and one of my best friends Olivia and I loved Taylor Swift. We used to sing so loud, dance all day and jam twenty-four-seven to every song she had written up to that point. My favorite song was "Love Story" because in my mind it was how I was going to find my true love or my fairytale life.  " you'll be the prince and I'll be the princess "

It was getting closer to Christmas time and I was so beyond excited to open my gifts. I came across a light bag and was curious as to what was in it, I opened it and I saw an envelope. I ripped open the envelope expecting it to be a joke saying  "you've been punked" or something. When I started reading the paper I dropped it and started screaming, I was so excited and had that omg-I-can't-believe-this face and was shocked that I got Taylor Swift tickets.

That night I was thinking about who I would bring along on this crazy once in a lifetime adventure. After thinking for what felt like months I had figured out who was going to be the lucky winner. Of course, I chose my best friend Liv because we both loved her so much and it would be loads of fun for the two of us. The concert comes along and we made posters for the concert and on the drive to the stadium, we put the posters up in the windows of the car. Once we finally found a parking spot and made the journey to the stadium it started raining. Not just sprinkling but it was raining cats and dogs and I looked like a drowning rat. We ended up buying ponchos to keep us dry and maybe a little warmer. Liv's poncho was yellow and since she was a little peanut she looked like a big duck. We made it to our seats and I couldn't wait. The lights in the stadium dimmed and people started screaming, we held up our now soggy signs and screamed alongside everyone else. We were on a balcony seat looking over the crowd and we pressed ourselves against the railing and started screaming. We screamed so loud it felt as if someone was ripping our lungs out but we didn't care. Taylor walked on stage and it so insanely loud, lights were flashing everywhere and at that moment I couldn't believe what was happening. The concert died down and Taylor thanked everyone for staying all night through the awful rain. She called that night of her tour The Rain Show, and I've been to two more concerts from her and she mentions that show every time! That night is forever imprinted into my brain and "I close my eyes and the flashbacks start"every time we hear Taylor Swift on the radio. That night for affected my taste in music and when people doubt my taste I ignore them because it makes me happy thinking back to that night.

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