Do It With Passion Or Not At All | Teen Ink

Do It With Passion Or Not At All

April 9, 2019
By Alack BRONZE, Eagle Mountian, Utah
Alack BRONZE, Eagle Mountian, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“What are you goin to be when you grow up?” “What do you wanna do after high school?” “What are you doin right now in your life, to prepare for your future?”  These are some of the many questions high school students hear a lot, especially beginin of their junior year. When I began my junior year, the questions came. I tried to say somethin I had thought I would do as a kid like a pilot or a policeman. That went on for approximately the first third or so of the year. Then it hit me. What am I gonna do after I graduate? What do I wanna do with my life? What was I doin now, to prepare? So I began my search. I didn’t have to search very far before I found my answer. I prayed and fasted to help me find my answer. I read as much as I could about any job that interested me.

I got my answer one day as I was drivin down the road home from school. That’s when I saw the sign for the fire station. I had no idea what happened or how it happened but next thing I new, I was sittin in front of the fire station. I walked out of that fire station with my answer. I began my research. As my research got more and more in depth, I realized how this was truly what I wanted to do with my life. The next week, I went and saw my schools technical college representative.

“I was wonderin what fire fighter classes y’all offered?” I inquired.

“Sadly we do not offer any of the fire and rescue classes. But we do offer an EMT class.”  She replied. I asked for the packet and info. I went home and looked over all the information. It is a requirement to become a firefighter. I went in the next day and asked how I sign up. 24 hours later I was at the school takin the entrance test and registerin for the class. I emptied my bank account to bring my future closer to my grasps. It was the weirdest feelin in my life. I had never in my life, been so close to obtain my dream. I began my EMT basic class a few weeks later. I immediately fell in love with the class. I have learned so much so far and still am. I’m not only learnin medical information pertinent to my future career, I’m learnin what it means to learn, and how to learn. I have learned a distal bilateral femur fracture could kill you just as fast as an myocardial infarction (Heart Attack). I have also learned that to succeed on tests, you need to start studyin at least 5 days before the test. Cram studyin as late as 2 to 3 days before, will not help you pass the test. I never thought I would be enterin the medical field. I always thought that seein an evisceration (the internal organs protrudin from patients abdomen) would be disgustin and I wouldn’t be able to look at it and help my patient. It is a serious soft trauma tissue emergency, but it is also probably one of the coolest  injuries to see as well as treat. As I have learned more and more, I have learned many, many, things. But there is one thing I have learned that is the most important thing I could ever learn. That thing is what they taught us the first day of class. You either do it with passion, or not at all.

The author's comments:

I have been wantin to write somethin about my journey for some time now and I finally did it! It feels amazin to have it done and to feel good about my writin. I know that you have to do somethin with passion or it will not be succesful. Thats why I wrote this with all the passion I could.

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