This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

April 10, 2019
By cynthia_erazo BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
cynthia_erazo BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that my generation is special because we are doing things at such a young age that other generations haven’t been able to achieve. We are the generation that can either cause good things or cause the world to burn down, depending on how many of us are good or bad. But I have 4 reasons to explain my madness.

Reason 1: We’re outspoken about things we don’t like and want to change. We were taught to have a voice and to use it although people want us to be quiet and not speak up. Our ancestors— the majority of them— have denied and shut their eyes when the world needed them to not to, when it was the most needed. They let things slide as if it were a playground slide, when they should have stopped those things so we—my generation and future ones—could have a better future. Well we’re not allowing that to happen anymore, enough is enough. For example, Malala a very famous and powerful teenager who lived in Pakistan, went against the Taliban because they were against girls going to school; so, she went against them. She spoke out about what she believed in and although it almost got her killed, she won against them.

Reason 2: We fight for what we believe in. Although our generation is quite young, that won’t stop us from fighting for our rights. If we want things to change we have to put in our blood, sweat and tears to change them, otherwise nothing will change, ever. We fight — peacefully protest — for important rights to us such as LGBTQ, women, and people who are raped. We have to fight for rights that should be given rights not something we have to ask for. My generation creates protests and a lot of things to fight and get the rights we want and deserve. If we believe in something we will try our hardest to get it to become a reality instead of it just being a dream. One reasoning for why I believe this is that we have multiple protests:  “March for our Lives”, “LGBTQ Pride”, “Slut Walk”, etc.

Reason 3: We want a better FUTURE. Our past ancestors have allowed things to slip and they haven’t  done things to stop the horrible things happening in the world. With our generation we have decided to stop that, we've had enough and we want a better future for our generation and for the upcoming ones as well. Which is the reasoning for why we have decided to speak up and to fight for what we believe in, because we know that it’s going to benefit us, but it’ll also benefit the people from the upcoming generations as well. So all of the things we achieve in our lifetime will create a road —a path— for them and also it will help them create a bigger pathway for the generations after them. It’s not an easy process, but we will ultimately get our goal of getting the rights we deserve and want to better our future and the upcoming generations as well.

Reason 4: We get what we deserve. The things we fight for aren’t just simple things we want just because we want them, we fight for things we believe in and we know we deserve them as well. We fight for basic human rights that haven’t been given to us yet because people still have old school minds. We want equality for everyone not just the people that are supposed to be “normal”, but for the people that just want to live their life and enjoy it however they like. So they can live freely and comfortably and not feel pressured into fitting into a mold created by society. Which is the reason as to why we peacefully protest and speak up to get equal rights for everyone, disregarding their race, religion, identity, gender and whom they love.

Allow my generation to be amazing, because it can lead to great and better things for our society. We will cause the world to rise whether you’re with us or not.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because I wanted my opinion to be heard.

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