Bye Mom | Teen Ink

Bye Mom

April 12, 2019
By Anonymous

When I was about six years old, my Dad and I were sitting on the couch watching tv together. I don’t remember if it was TV or music we were watching or listening to at the ,moment, but it was one of them. After a little while, the front door to our house opened then closed. We heard foot steps coming from the hallway.

So, my Dad got up to go see who it was, then I heard my Dad talking to someone. So, I got up too and peaked around the corner to see that it was just my mom. All seemed to be going good until I heard them start to scream at each other.

So, I walked down the hall to go greet my mom and she told me to go sit back down on the couch in the living room, but I didn’t. So, I just hid behind my dads leg and they continued to scream at each other. Then my mom said the two most hated words. “I’m leaving!” Then my dad had asked her if she was just going to leave me with him, by himself. She did not say anything, then I watched her leave and I didn’t see her come back.

When she left my dad and I went back to the living room and cried. I was probably crying because my dad was. One of the worst parts about it, was 1, I didn’t have a mom anymore now. Then two, my parents had just gotten married six months prior to this incident. At this point, my dad and I didn’t know what to think about what happened.

After about six or seven months my Dad had scheduled a court date to find out who gets custody of my siblings and me. When we had arrived at the court in Chippewa Falls, my dad was very confident about the outcome of this visit. When we walked up the steps to go meet the judge, there where to people standing at the front doors waiting to greet us. They had led us inside to the main room where it all went down. My mom had already been waiting there for us. Then we saw the Judge come in through the back office, and went and sat in his chair. Everything around me seemed to be so big, I was so small. Then the judge started speaking.

“We are here today because you, Brian, feel that you need to have full custody of your children.”
“Yes, your Honor,” he replied
“Do you Melissa believe that Brian should have the kids full time.”
“No, absolutely not, your Honor,” she replied
“Alright, well let’s start with you Brian. Why do you think that you should have your kids full time?” the Judge questions.
“I think that I should have the kids full time because I do all the work and I take care of them all the time. I supply for them and give them what they need. Melissa just sits there and does nothing,” He replies.
“I actually don’t you liar! You’re just trying to make yourself look good,” she says with anger.
“Melissa, since you don’t agree with what Brian is saying, what do you do for your kids?” the Judge asks.
“Well you Honor, I do anything for my kids, and I will always do anything for them,” She said with sadness
The guard in the back ground near the judge asks the judge to ask Melissa if she is pregnant.
So, the Judge continues with “Melissa, are you pregnant with Brian’s kid?”
“Yes, your Honor,” she said nervously.
“I want a paternity test, because I know that she is not pregnant with my child.” he said confidently.
After a while the test came back for the baby, and it did not match with my dad.
“I have gotten the tests back, and that is not Brian’s kid. So that right there shows me that you don’t want to be with your family, or your kids. If you wanted to have more with your kids, you should have been with them instead of messing around with another guy. So, I hereby give Brian full time, and you get to have visitation rights. Then the judge leaves the room.

My mom tried to argue but it was too late. She tried to tell my dad that it was his kid, but he said that the baby was black, and he as white. So, it can’t be his kid.
After we were done in court, we all exited the building at the same time. My mom was crying, and she got in her car and left after she gave us a hug, and my dad a dirty look.

Then we left too………

After that we did not see her for about three years. She obviously didn’t try that hard to come see us because she could come and visit when ever she wanted. But she didn’t. But today we see her more. As we get older, we get to see her more because she gives more effort to try and see us.

The author's comments:

This peice that I have typed is about when my mom left me when I was young. It tell you about the experice I went through and what happened. 

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