Biking Is Not for Me | Teen Ink

Biking Is Not for Me

April 14, 2019
By dgreene21 BRONZE, Latham, New York
dgreene21 BRONZE, Latham, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My bike is the coolest bike on the block, I thought! My bike was a pink and blue Razor bike, with pure white tires. My dad had given it to me as a birthday gift. He had it custom made for me. It had silver strings hanging off the side of the handlebars. My name was also on it with metallic stickers. The stickers were so bright that they could blind you if you looked at them from afar!

My all time favorite thing to do was ride my bike, but I never understood why. It should’ve been illegal for me to ride my bike with the number of things I hit behind the wheel! I had just gotten my training wheels off and kept falling off my bike every time I rode. My sister, Ellie, who was great at riding her bike, said she was going to help me get better. Little did I know that was a white lie!

Everyday we would go outside for a few minutes, and Ellie would show me how she rode.  She thought if she showed me I would copy her and get better. However, it didn't really work out as well as she thought it would!  Everyday Ellie told me she would help, but as soon as her friends rode by she would say ¨I'll be right back,¨ riding off like she was in The Fast and Furious! She never came right back.

One day after it had rained, my sister wanted to go out and ride her bike with her friends. I really wanted to join her so I started begging her to go. ¨Please! Ellie please,¨ I begged. She just responded with ¨No way you’re way too embarrassing,¨ while rolling her eyes. Me embarrassing, how could anyone say such a thing? She's crazy to think that, I thought. I got very upset and hollered  ¨I’m not embarrassing, I have never embarrassed you in my life!¨

My mom, annoyed at our bickering, said ¨Just let her go with you,¨ to my sister. Ellie looked appalled when my mom said I had to go with her. Me on the other hand, I was stoked to go.

When we got outside her friends were riding through a mud puddle. “Come on,¨ Ellie sighed, “let's join them.” So, I walked my bike over to the line behind the puddle. I didn't want to fall riding over there, that would just prove her point of me being embarrassing! Everyone was riding through the mud puddle so fast that there was mud splashing everywhere! I was scared to go, but I kept telling myself I can, I can, I can.

When it was time for me to go I was a deer in the headlights. The line started to get long behind me. I could hear things like ¨Go already,” ¨Come on,” and “Today please!”

Soon, I heard crackling from the old leaves getting louder and louder. Someone was behind me and tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and it was my sister. She said “You're holding up the line go,” pointing to the puddle. ¨I don't know about this,¨ I muttered. My arms were shaking, and I couldn't control them.

Two hands then touched my back and a boost followed. Before I knew it I was wobbling through the mud, like a one year old learning how to walk. I was hoping I didn't fall, but I guess hope wasn't enough. Splat! I fell right in that puddle. It felt like I did a belly flop off a sixteen foot cliff! I screamed like water boiling in a teapot.

When my mom heard me scream she came running down stairs yelling “What happened!” I replied with “She…..push……..mud….ahhh,” hysterically crying. My mom told me to get out of the mud, and slow my talking down. I said “Ellie pushed me in the mud,” still crying. I was so mad at the time I screamed “I'm going to rip the braids out of her head!¨

I lunged out at my sister. My mom was trying to hold me back and my sisters friends were getting in front of her so I didn’t have a chance to reach her.

My dad came down and yelled  “Stop this right now,” with his veins bulging out of his head.  He was like a bear coming out of hibernation. I quickly stopped, and he told me to go to the porch so he could hose me down. The water seemed slippery sliding down my shoulders. It was ice cold, and was as if winter came early.

As I stood on the porch watching the mud run off of me, I realized maybe biking wasn’t for me.

The author's comments:

This peice is a funny memior about how kids, bikes, and mud puddles dont mix.

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