Gender Inequality | Teen Ink

Gender Inequality

April 26, 2019
By Anonymous

I was heartbroken by an article that I recently read, it was about the gender inequality in the world. It discusses how in many other undeveloped countries, girls and women are forbidden to get an education, and all around the world, women are denied the right to equal pay. I was able to relate these issues with my own personal experiences with gender inequality.

I have the luxury and opportunity to attend school and receive the precious education offered here in America. So, it was disheartening to hear the fact that girls in many countries around the world is unable to have the same opportunity that I have. This was due to the traditional thinking of a woman’s role. I’ve experienced this gender inequality first hand in my time living in Vietnam. I was taught that a woman’s role in society is only to take care of their husband and children. Those things were once again reminded to me last summer when I visit my home country. I was criticized because I lack the ability to properly cook and clean. “You’ll never find a husband if you can’t do those simple things,” my grandma said. I disagreed with that traditional thinking because the world is advancing, and women truly do have a place today. Not only that, women do deserve to be able to get an education. Men are in no way superior than women and women deserve an equal opportunity and advantages as men. Many countries even have laws that allow child marriages and restrict their freedom of movement. I am sad that I must witness this inequality and unable to help the situation.

            The privilege to get an education is not the only gender inequality issue, many women in the world, United States include, experience gender pay inequality. I have seen a relative experience this inequality. She worked in a company as an accountant. She was a hard-working woman, she worked as hard and well as other employees in this company, but her annual pay was 4% less than her male co-workers. When she asked about this issue, they simply turned her away. “I feel so cheated, I worked so hard, but I don’t make the same amount as my male co-worker, it makes me question my own ability,” she said to us when she came to visit. I remembered seeing her expression, on the verge of tear, she was trying her hardest to hold it in. We tried consoled her and gave her hugs. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, I think that’s unfair, you should find a better work place,” I said to her. “It’s not that easy, I can’t guarantee that I will be able to have those equality in a new place,” she replied. This made me think about how I will probably have to face these inequalities in the future if the issue does not change.

            In a perfect world, we like to think that this is no longer an issue, but this topic is needed to be brought into discussion. In privileged countries, many people are unaware of this issue, so I want to bring light into these topics. Having to experience a type of gender inequality first hand, I understand the negative mental effects that inequality causes. At an early age, I was exposed to inequality and it’s a horrible thing that a child must learn. I would not want for another child to be affected by inequality, so I encourage for everyone to work together and fight inequality, to get rid of discrimination and inequality, and to make this world to be better for everyone.

The author's comments:

This memoir is of a piece of my Through My Eyes Project. I want to write about this topic to spread awareness of the gender inequality that wmen all aroud the world faces.

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