Inspiration | Teen Ink


May 31, 2019
By lkreams BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
lkreams BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
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Do you have anyone that inspires you? People can often gain inspiration from all different kinds of people, like maybe someone who plays a sport that they like to play. For me, some people that inspire me are my brother Dominic, Debby Green, and Heather Brown. They all inspire me for different reasons, but they all inspire me in one way or another.

First, one of the people that is inspires me the most, is my younger brother Dominic.  My brother is an 8 year old kid that does a lot to help people out even if they don't really want any help. He inspires me because he never gives up. For example, he does wrestling. Wrestling is an individual sport, so if you give up, there is nobody else that can help you win your match. He doesn't just not give up in wrestling, he doesn't give up on anything. He is always willing to help people, and he always does a good job with helping too. He loves to be able to help people, especially when it's helping someone in our family. For example, I have three horses that I keep at my house, and these three horses require a lot of work that has to be done every day. I usually do all of the work I need to do within 45 minutes, but sometimes there is extra work if it is muddy outside and the horses get dirty. He has always wanted to help me when there is that extra work, and even though he doesn’t know that much about horses, he does pretty well with the stuff he helps me with. I can remember days when he would just be dying to help. For example, I remember the day when he said, “You know Lydia, if you have too much to do, I can always do some of it for you.” In my opinion, I think that if all of the people in this world were a little more like my brother, the world would be a much better place than it is now.

Although my brother does inspire me a lot, another person that inspires me is a volleyball player. Her name is Debby Green. She inspires me because she was a volleyball player that was shorter than the rest of her team, so she had to work harder the than the rest of the team had to if she wanted to get better. This inspires me because I am one of the shorter people on my club volleyball team, and sometimes I feel like I do have to work a little harder because I don't have the gift of height that some other players do. I think that when I found out that Debby Green was a volleyball player who was shorter than the average volleyball player, that is when I really made the decision to start putting in extra work. Overall though, she inspires me because I am a short person, and she is a short volleyball player who never gave up on her favorite thing to do.

In life, there are few things that I REALLY enjoy doing, and volleyball is one of the maybe five things on that list. Lastly, another person that inspires me, is a girl named Heather Brown. She is another volleyball player, but she has a different story than Debby Green. Unlike Debby, Heather’s struggle was that she had to prove herself worthy of being on the court. This relates to my life because last year I was on a volleyball team where I didn't get much playing time. I'll admit, I was definitely not the best player on that team, but I do feel like I should’ve gotten more playing time than I did. I did eventually get more playing time around the middle of the season, but then at the end it went back to me not getting a lot of playing time again. However, with Heather Brown, she never gave up with proving herself worthy of being on the court. “We've come together the last couple weeks because we needed to. We knew we couldn't mess around anymore. We knew what was really at stake and we've been in the flow the last couple of weeks.” That’s a quote by Heather that I think can relate to anyone’s life. Heather is truly an inspiration to me because of this reason, and I wish I would have thought of her when I playing on that team because maybe I wouldn't have given up so quickly.

Overall, the people that inspire me are my brother because he doesn't give up on anything and he is always willing to help people, Debby Green because she was a short volleyball player like me and she never gave up on working harder than the other players on her team, and Heather Brown because she never gave up on proving herself worthy of playing on the court. As you can clearly see, I have many inspirational people in my life that have helped me to never give up on myself. They keep me going and remind me that I can't just give up on myself.

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