The Things I've Loved | Teen Ink

The Things I've Loved

September 24, 2019
By sierrawegener BRONZE, Clinton, Iowa
sierrawegener BRONZE, Clinton, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

My mom: the person who has always been there to support me through everything I have wanted to do. The one I look up to and want to be like when I am a mother.  My dad: the one who taught me to always work hard to get what I want. Also, how to ride my horse and instilled in me my love for livestock and the livestock industry. My grandma Nancy: the woman who I looked up to and strive to be like every day, strong, Godly, beautiful and loving. My friends: the ones always there to put a smile on my face, help me through hard times and push me farther than I ever thought I could go. My sisters: the people who always manage to keep me on my toes and keep life interesting. My cousin Kylee: the one I can tell anything to and who can help me get through any obstacle I may be facing. 

“Don't tell anyone,” I say, “there’s this boy…”

“Tell me more, I won’t tell.”

My cousin Anna: the one who shares many inside jokes with me and always makes me laugh. Aubrey: my cousin who is always there for me. My uncle Jonah: the one who always pushes me to work harder for what I want and is always there to help me anytime I need it. Without every one of these extraordinary people, I would be nowhere close to the person I am today. 

God -- the once who created me in his image and who gives me the strength and the ability to love every day. He loves me.  Faith: always knowing that everything will work out just like it was designed to. Forgiveness: knowing that even though others may hurt you, forgiving them makes you feel better about the situation 

The old barn: where I grew up and where I am greeted by animals every morning that makes the early mornings and late nights worth it. A way of life. Cool country air: that refreshes you and makes you realize how beautiful it is. Calm starry skies: that shows about the past and the same stars have been there forever. The sound of the quite crisp wind: that calms you like the mother calms her child. It also makes you realize that you are at peace and alone. Livestock shows: that taught me that hard work pays off, and that family is always there to help you. Sheep and pig sales: with my dad that have given me many unforgettable memories with my dad that will be with me forever. 

The trip to Chicago: with my cousins where I gave my entire life to Christ in 2017. The Iowa State Fair: with my uncle that made me value times with him and that hard work pays off if you put the time in to accomplish your dreams in 2018. The wedding I was a part of: showed me love in 2009. The horse sale: with my grandma that I got to go to alone in 2008. The trip to Indianapolis: with my FFA family where I learned to be more independent and how to be a better leader. I also gained many memories that will be with me forever. The Garth Brooks concert: where I had to lip sing every song because I had lost my voice the day before, but it was still the best concert I have ever been to. FFA -- the organization that has taught me leadership, hard work, confidence, public speaking skills, and has brought me many life long friends from not only Iowa but all over the United State as well as memories that will last a lifetime. 

My sheep: the ones who have taught me patience and dedication. My horses: who showed me trust and confidence. My dogs: who have taught me compassion and responsibility. My sisters' chickens: who taught me that a little bit of fear is okay.

My grandma’s house: where the smell of freshly baked cookies greets you at the door like a tight hug. Fair: where memories have been made and I get to show off my hard work. The barn: the sound of the animals that comforts me. Church: another home. Where I always feel welcomed and loved. Where all my pain and worries are gone and I feel nothing but love and peace. 

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