Shipped On An Airplane | Teen Ink

Shipped On An Airplane

September 24, 2019
By Anonymous

I love my little doggie, maybe it’s her “little” ears and rich caramel fur with her beautiful and glossy light blue eyes. Every time I see her, I just want to cuddle her. I didn’t know that a dog could teach itself how to play fetch but mine did. You know, I don’t know if anyone’s dog does this but mine will literally make you fall by pushing her hind legs into the back of your knee, which is hilarious if you’re not the one falling.

  I used to think that getting a dog was easy, you would just go to a shelter and adopt a dog, or maybe they find you right? Well, my experience didn’t go that smooth.

 It all started the summer of 5th grade when I was obsessed with getting a puppy since my last one had ran away. I wanted a small teacup or toy chihuahua preferably light-colored because “you could see the fleas better” which had been what my mother has said. Anyways, I had been looking all over the internet looking for places you could adopt dogs. We went from shelter to shelter but couldn’t find THE one, or as some would say no dogs chose me.

  A few days had passed when my mom and I stumbled upon a website where they were selling cute teacup puppies chihuahua, so we decided to investigate it. We signed up to the website and asked the owner about a puppy we saw on her website. The puppy we were interested in was named cookie and had this beautiful long white fur, with deep hazel eyes. After texting the owner about the puppy she said the puppy was available and the cost of the puppy would be 600 dollars. My parents thought about it for a bit and ended up saying yes. However what the owner hadn’t told was that the puppy had to be SHIPPED on an AIRPLANE! With an assistant and not only that but she would charge us an extra 300 dollars for the airplane tickets. At that point, we left her on open and went in search for someone else. 

  We looked and looked and looked but couldn’t find anything for days. Until one day my mom found another website selling little ‘toy’- the smallest from their litter or runts-chihuahuas. We looked through it and checked their location. We got their phone number and called to ask the price and meeting location. The owner was a very nice and sweet lady who spoke some Spanish with a bit of an accent. She said the puppy we were interested in was available and it would cost 500 dollars. We agreed on that price and meeting in two weeks to the puppy could be 6 weeks old.

  A week passed by and we received a phone call, at first we didn’t recognize the number at first, but then we remembered that the owner was gonna keep on contact, we answered the phone and it was the owner. She asked us if we still wanted the puppy. Of course, we said yes, she asked this because there were people asking for the same puppy and willing to pay 2x and 3x more than she was asking. Fortunately, she had said no to all those offers because she knew we had called her first and asked about that puppy. I felt so grateful that she had been fair and honest with us because if it were someone else they would have taken the money.

The next week went by fast and that Saturday we were on our way to meet my new puppy I was so excited to meet her and I was already thinking about names for her Daisy, Rosie, etc. The way to the vet felt like years, but when we finally got their we walked up to the vet and searched through the crowd of people looking for the owner. Almost instantly I saw her she was carrying a light wooden basket with a bunch of puppies. 

  We met the owner and her mother they were very nice and sweet, she told us she was there meeting with other people as well because she was selling the whole litter of puppies as well, but keeping the parents. After that I got to meet my new puppy she was so small that she could fit in between both of my hands, she was so friendly and cuddly with the cutest little folded ears.

  After that we waited in line for her shots and checkup, the vet said she was good and healthy, then the vet asked me what the name was of the puppy and I said “Rosie, Rosie Smith”  

The author's comments:

I've always liked animals and I still do getting a dog was the best thing I ever did.

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