How I Almost Flew Off A Tower | Teen Ink

How I Almost Flew Off A Tower

October 2, 2019
By Anonymous

There it was, The Tower of Doom. It looked so tall and scary, You might be asking, what the heck is that? Let me explain to you how I came to see the tower of doom. So my family and I take an annual trip to Pensacola, Florida. We go every year because it's a great experience, the beach, the sand, and we get time to just relax and spend time with each other. But this time, we decided to visit Universal Studios in Orlando. I was really excited because I had never been to a theme park before, I wasn’t even sure that I would like the rides. So, we began the drive to Florida which would take around 10 hours. As long as 10 hours sounds, It passes by fast. The drive is also very relaxing because we had left at around 7 when it gets dark. The drive is quiet and soothing. Every once in awhile we’ll stop at a gas station and get snacks and drinks. Once we arrived at the hotel we unpacked and tried to find something to eat, we found an Mc Donalds near the hotel we were staying in. When we got to the Mc Donalds my jaw dropped, It was the biggest Ronald frickin Mc Donald I had ever seen. The building was huge, with two stories with a kitchen and separate cooking area for hotcakes. On the second floor, there was a big jungle gym and an arcade and another dining area. It was so cool to be in one of the biggest Mc Donalds in the world. We returned to the hotel and got a goods nights rest for the next day. I actually couldn’t sleep because I was so excited for the next day. Finally, the morning came and we drove up to Universal Studios before we entered we had to get through the security check. Once we got through we walked to the entrance. We walked and there it was, The Tower Of Doom, which is a super tall tower/ride that plunges you down from the very top. I was terrified, my sister had convinced me to get on. We waited in line for our turn and then it came. We were strapped in and the ride was about to start, I was about to say something to my sister when woooshh!!! We were plunged to the bottom and I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I felt like I was just going to fly out and splat. The ride finally got to a stop and I told myself I would never get on a ride like that again.

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