December 14th, 2016 | Teen Ink

December 14th, 2016

October 9, 2019
By Merifa3 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
Merifa3 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Dear Ward,

I still remember the day I found out that I was leaving. The sadness that filled the atmosphere, the uncontrollable tears that ran down our faces, and the shock everyone was in. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, because you were and will always be the sister that I never got to have. You’re the kind of person that everyone wants to be friends with, not because of the popularity but because of how caring and how kind you truly are. 

When I went back to visit you this summer, I was looking through your stuff like I always do and I found something that brought back a ton of memories all at once. It made me remember how happy I was when I got to see you and spend time with you almost everyday. It’s amazing how one small thing can mean so much to a person isn’t it? Remember when we took that polaroid in your room on December 14th, 2016? I remember coming into your room with a doughnut cake and the accomplishment I felt after I saw the look on your face, because I remember you saying that no one can ever surprise you, well I guess I was the first person to do that wasn’t I? 

Sitting in a room covered with purple wallpaper, a very fancy light hanging down from the ceiling along with many purple objects, I took a picture on my polaroid of you as you were approaching my way. By looking at the picture you can feel the joy that was filling the atmosphere. You came towards me looking like a child that was just told that pizza was ready. This picture has an important meaning to me because it reminds me of a four year friendship. Others may see it as a simple polaroid picture of a simple girl. On the other hand, I see a girl that is very important in this world. Tears, laughter, anger, and happiness have been shared in a friendship that goes beyond what a person can put into words.

Coming into your house as if it were to be my house. Opening the fridge hoping to find something that could fill my appetite, going into your backyard and having those endless conversations, talking about one thing that lead into another. Sitting in your room and dancing/singing our hearts out. Watching movies that I never agreed to watch but watched them anyways because I knew how much of a stubborn person you were. I get this feeling whenever I’m at your house, an indescribable feeling. 

As soon as I walk into that dark colored and cozy room, I immediately feel like I’m home. A beautiful memory made in every part of the room. A place you’ve spent most of your childhood in and the memories that will never leave your heart. As soon as you walk in, the first two objects that catches your attention are the dark purple colored walls that give you the cozy feeling in winter. Where you could just wrap yourself up in a blanket and have endless conversations about anything and everything. The large picture frame of your favorite artist. Whenever I’m at your house I get the feeling knowing that as long as I have you, my  best friend/sister, all my needs are fulfilled. 

Ward, when I met you I had no idea how important you would become to me. You made me become the person I’ve always wanted to be, you made me realize stuff that I never would’ve even realized if it wasn’t for you, you help me become a stronger person each and everyday. Without you I wouldn’t be the person I am today. So thank you, thank you for being the truest friend I’ve ever had, thank you for being the sister I've always dreamed of having, and thank you for being you

 Do you have a person in your life that you can tell anything and everything? A person that has always been there for you no matter where you are or what you’re doing? If you do, then I suggest you hold onto them as tight as you can because I know I’ve definitely found that person. She’s sincere, kind-hearted, funny, selfless, and always puts everyone's needs before hers. She is the type of person everyone goes to when they have a problem. She knows how to change my mood in a matter of seconds and knows me better than anyone ever has. Whenever I’m with her, I feel like I have a shoulder to cry on and I can depend on her no matter what the situation is.

Carrying this polaroid with me makes me feel one mile closer to you. Maybe not by distance but definitely by heart. I want you to know that no matter how far away we are from each other you were, are, and will always be someone that had such a great impact on my life, a person that has never left my side when I needed a shoulder to cry on, a person that showed me the true meaning of friendship, and a person that truly deserves the whole wide world. 

With all the love in the world,

your best friend, Mary. 

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