Two Sides to a Conflict | Teen Ink

Two Sides to a Conflict

October 11, 2019
By Anonymous

Two Sides to a Conflict

That day was a weird day.  I was having a lot of fun day at MSU, it was full of laughter and adventure at the campus in Lansing.  Then I got home and was told we are going to a birthday party for my aunt which I thought would be enjoyable.  who knew it would of been a sour night, right? 

Today I was excited, I was going to Michigan State University!  The field trip was pretty easy going and I had a lot of fun with my friends.  After the trip I was told by my cousin A that we would be going ice skating but we didn't since the skating area was closed. it was ok since we went to a chinese buffet but the thing is I was already full, I ate at the buffet in the field trip. My aunt invited us and our cousin to her house for a little party.

The party was pretty chill; I was hanging out with my cousins playing video games and such.  I heard screaming and saw some glass broken; a mirror seemed to have a bunch of cracks on it.  When I stood up and saw fighting; cousin Q and uncle C were fighting. Some people were trying to stop the fighting but some stopped and looked.   I soon hear my aunt says in a crying voice “ Stop its my birthday” and “It's supposed to be a fun timr!”  

I saw my uncle T in on my  uncle C side he began to hold down cousin Q by the neck while  uncle C was still punching him. My heart was beating fast as a cheetah but I decided to still run at my uncle and grab on to him to pull him off  cousin Q. Cousin Q was soon let go his face was beaten up blood on his face. Cousin Q was still acting stubborn still wanting to fight my uncles, we let him outside to calm him down.

My cousin A who took my sister and I wanted to leave and help her brother who was cousin Q. We drove to my aunts house so my cousin could tell her what had happened, we stayed in the car with her crying baby. The wind whistled in the night  while we wait in the car. in my head I thought this whole event was childish assuming the adults were just drunk. We were driven to cousin A’s apartment to later discuss what has happened. After the conversation, I was confident that this was all my uncles fault  and that they have started the fight. 


The next couple of months felt bitter, it was a crazy conflict that I didn't want to continue. The memories creeped into my mind sometimes. All I can think about was my uncles jumped my cousin like a pack of wolves would hunt prey.  Soon after a couple of months, everything went back to normal, not everyone was mad at each other for what happened on that day, cousin Q apologized to my uncles yet there were still some bad blood with my aunt and cousin A towards my uncles, but even that was let go. When i look at this conflict, I think I could have looked at both sides of the conflict and became more neutral in the conflict, and the conflict was resolved after a couple months later.  In the end I never really knew who truly started the fight and i’m ok with that sometimes i just gotta let it go. 

In the end what I got from this event is two things.  I should always look at both sides of a group or the story and decide where I stand most of the time. it should be neutral unless i truly believe the opposition is truly wrong to me.  I also learned that family is important, sometimes they could be the toxic people in your life you should avoid. But they can be the people who you and them might have a disagreement on and fight but are truly sweet not really toxic, they are the ones who shouldnt be let go because of some stupid arguments you guys have. That's my way of thinking forgive and forget sometimes.


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I like beans

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