The Green Beast | Teen Ink

The Green Beast

October 15, 2019
By Anonymous

The Green Beast 

I used to think that leaving your things on your porch was safe because you know who would take something that's not yours and that is on your property, but that way of thinking all changed when I was seven years old. This one evening at the house of all kinds of type of different last names we were celebrating a special day, my birthday how awesome you think right. Well, it was awesome everything a kid could dream of. I got a remote control car, a super cool t-shirt with one of those phones that was a radio remember those yeah well that and the prized possession of all time that gift that most parents don't wrap because well you can see what it is through the wrapping paper a two-wheel but awesome object that every kid wants. This wasn't any ordinary bike though it was designed like a motorcycle and had a green frame with a toy throttle that was in the right handle and you could twist it and it would make a BRRRR! It was totally awesome first thing I do is hop on twist the throttle. This bike though would be the bike that broke my heart but in the meantime, I spent most of my days riding it. I remember the first thing I did was put a plastic bottle in the back tire so it would sound ¨cooler¨ when riding it. I also remember that I would love to ride over the speed bumps in the apartments I lived in and riding downhills and trying not to fall. This one evening where I was trying to ride without training wheels and my brother was teaching me I got on and rode it and I fell hard so hard that I cut up my knee. It left me a scar but that didn't stop my anxious to learn. That same evening would change my life forever. Me and my brother were out there for like 2 hours and when my mom called for dinner I was so tired I left the glorious bike outside and I thought nobody would rob it is in our property after all. Little did I know that simple mistake would ruin my way of learning how to ride a bike forever. The next morning it was a glorious Sunday to ride the green beast but when I walk outside the door it was like I was in a dream well I thought my parents probably put in the back so I go rushing to the back with my mind that I was going to learn how to ride without those dumb wheels. Well, I'm in the back there's nothing there is a tragedy the world is ending right now. I go back to the front and inside to tell my mom the horrific news. We went out searching like a detective on a scene looking in every corner is was nowhere to be found. The next two weeks were tragic is like if someone had passed away. My parents suggested buying a new one I was in denial I didn't want a replicate it had to be that one. Two weeks of excruciating pain pass and this one evening I was at the mailbox when in the corner of my eye I spot that bright green frame. It is a miracle I see my bike. Now, this where I make the second biggest mistake of my life. Instead of going down the steps and retrieving the prized possession I go running like a wimp and tell my mom I found it they come rushing outside like if they just won the lottery. Although when they get outside another tragedy it's not there so with my sherlock holmes I think it couldn't have gone that far we unsuceed on finding it. I never found my green beast but it did leave a memory I will never forget those long days of me jumping over speed bumps and riding downhills. On the tragic side, I never learned how to ride a bike and the beast left is mark on my knee. What I think now though is that don't test your luck because it gives you a turn for the worse and that not all people respect your things on your property. The green beast marked is territory and it will never be forgotten.  

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