A Better Place | Teen Ink

A Better Place

October 15, 2019
By noahruiz06 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
noahruiz06 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is a memoir about the day my best friend who is not a human, but an animal. To me, he was not an animal, but a best friend. He is not with me no more but is watching over me.

    It was a normal Friday night, I was letting my dog out to use the restroom. He was a German Shepherd, name was Zero and got him in November 2007. This was going on at about eleven ‘o'clock. I went to my bed to play on my phone. After a while, I dozed off and forgot to let Zero in.

    I woke up the next morning to my mom telling me to go eat breakfast, so I got up and went to go eat. After breakfast, I brushed my teeth and went looking for Zero.

I was going to take him on a walk, but I couldn’t find him.

So I checked around my house and I found a hole under my fence. At that point, I’m thinking that he got out. I told my mom about what happened.I’m feeling nervous at this point.   Me and my mom started looking for Zero. We split up and start shouting out his name ‘Zero’!I walk about three blocks when I stop at a street and see something on the side of the road. When I get closer my body sinks and I become frozen. I can’t move and I’m just staring at whats on the road. The thing on the road was Zero, he was dead. At that point, my heart was broken. I picked him up and carried him back home when the rest of my family saw him they just froze. Everybody was shocked, they did not know what to do. So we buried him and hope him the best. I know he is in a better place. I still think about him every day. I learn a lesson and that is to be responsible.

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