My Friend Captain | Teen Ink

My Friend Captain

October 16, 2019
By Anonymous

                                                    My Friend Captain

A chocolate lab is one of the most loving dogs a person could have. I highly suggest you get one. 

My grandma’s dog, Captain Morgan (because they love the drink and their last name is Morgan) was one of the most stupid, dumb, loving and caring dog a person could have. My grandpa got him as a puppy for my grandma and cousin. 

Captain was around for as long as I can remember. I can’t really remember when my grandpa got him but I know I was really young or maybe even a baby. Captain was the softest, most funny dog I have ever met. His thick brown fur and dark brown eyes were unforgettable. His deep bark could be heard from outside of the thick insulation inside the walls. When I was little I remember him cuddling right up next to me and he’d just put his head right in my lap. 

As I got older Captain was very noticeably getting older too. He started losing his energy and he was getting weaker day by day. As he was getting weaker it was harder for him to walk up the stairs so sometimes he would need to be carried up the stairs after he used the bathroom. Soon his legs started to get a lot weaker and it would hurt him to stand and they would give out on him every once in awhile. 

He started to lose motivation to get up and he would just lay on the floor for hours. After his legs started getting weak, his lungs did too. His breathing would be heavy from just standing up and he had a really deep cough and it was hard for him to bark. It was a sad experience because this dog wasn’t just our best friend, he was our family. 

When Captain started to go, little pieces of everybody started to go with him. Soon he quit eating and that’s when we knew we had to let him go. The hardest part about losing Captain was probably going from seeing him everyday to never seeing him again. It’s been around two years since we had to put him down and it’s been hard for everyone because he was the most amazing dog anybody could ask for. 

Sometimes if I stay at my grandma’s house I’ll sleep in my cousins room which is in the basement and it will sound like you are hearing  his nails on the hard tiles and it’s heartwarming because it makes us feel like he will always be with us. 

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