One Crazy Night | Teen Ink

One Crazy Night

October 16, 2019
By Anonymous

It was a cooler dark night, excited for the night ahead as my friend and I were going to leave my house at night and go sneak out with some friends. I was happier knowing I could pole vault. My splint that I never wore on my broken hand would come off in two days. My coach wouldn’t let me pole vault until [capitalization error] monday, when I got it off. I was so excited to finally get back into it and have a free hand to run with. 

So my buddy and I went outside before it was too late [run-on sentence] and I was rollerblading and he was riding on my bike. We were riding on the road in front of my house which is a flat, long, and straight. It was the best place I had to go, and I could go fast. Which is what I did, we went up and down my road and I wanted to try to go the fastest I have ever gone. So I took off and was flying. The wind was wild, like I was driving a motorcycle fast! 

All I feel and see after this was my foot turn and I fell. I was planing in my head to fall and roll until I stopped. Instead I put my left arm down because I just broke my right hand. I didn’t want to hurt it more so I thought I could take it with my arm. 

I was very wrong.

I heard a crunching sound and I feel as if my arm is overlapping itself. I could feel that my hand was not lined up right with my arm. I had a jacket on though so I couldn’t see what just happened. I have never broken a bone before until I broke my hand, but this felt worse than my hand. I push up with my right hand and get up on my feet. I look at it and yell to my friend [capitalization error] riley. “Bro I think I just broke my arm [punctuation error] ” I yell as loud as I can. So I rolled back to my house and he helped me get off my blades and my mom walks out and screams [punctuation error] “[capitalization error] what the hell happened [punctuation error] ”. [incorrect word here] Witch I tell her, “[capitalization error] pretty sure my arm is broken”[punctuation error] . So I walk up on my porch into my house. From what I remember I sit on the chair for a minute while everyone is getting their things and we head to the hospital. Riley and my mom help me up to the door and after that I was told what happened. 

When [capitalization error] riley [verb tense error] stop carrying me to open the door I passed out. So I started falling forward [run-on sentence] I was going to hit my head on a speaker but [capitalization error] riley turned around and caught me. He set me on the floor and everyone yells at me to get up. They said I was out for only a minute or two but the whole time they were shaking me and trying to get me up.

I slowly opened my eyes, and I see [capitalization error] riley and my mom in my face yelling. I did not hear them but I could see them. So I assumed I had passed out because last time I knew I was in the chair. Pushing my hands at them to get them away and saying “I’m not dead [run-on sentence] I’m fine so can y’all relax” in a very calm quiet manner. So my mom says [punctuation error] “[capitalization error] get up we have to go”[punctuation error] . So I get up and walk to the kitchen to get a water. I sit in the kitchen with [capitalization error] riley drinking my water and getting ready to get up to leave while my mom is on the phone.

“Bro, this actually really sucks” laughing I said to riley. “Bro I can’t do pole vault, they were just letting me [capitalization error] monday [punctuation error] ” I explain to him. As the smartalics we are he says “Well that sucks doesn’t it”. I laugh and reply with “just a little”. After this we get up and head to the hospital.

In my mind I was trying to be funny, but everyone else was saying I was being mean from some of the stuff I was saying. Because everytime my mom stopped it hurt my arm so I would say “Hey lady can you not be taking these stops so fast” yelling this from the back seat. Everyone was getting frustrated because I was upset. We finally made it to [capitalization error] marshall hospital. I get out and [capitalization error] riley, my mom, my sister and I all walk up to the emergency room.

Walking up everything in my mind set in. I say to them “I can’t do pole vault”. 

 I immediately get tears because I was so frustrated and upset that my season was over.

We get up to the front desk and they ask what can we help you with. Before my mom says anything I blurt out “I think my arm took a rip, it doesn’t feel [incorrect word here] to hot”. My mom looked at me and told me to sit down because I was being [incorrect word here] to loud for her. So I sat down next to [capitalization error] riley and were talking and trying to get my mind off it. [incorrect word here] Witch was hard because I had to use my other arm to keep my left one up because I couldn’t move it.

They call me up and I head into the back and they ask so what’s wrong? I said “I’m pretty sure I broke my arm but I don’t know because I haven't looked at it.” So after all the questions I get to my room and wait. A super nice guy walks in, he was super helpful the whole time and made things fun. He wanted to see it so he could x-ray it so I had to take my jacket off and long sleeve shirt off. It took 10-20 minutes to get them off because it hurt [incorrect word here] to bad. I didn’t want to see it so I looked at [capitalization error] riley because I know he would tell me the truth. I say to him “so how does it look”. He says, “well it’s definitely broken, looks like an “s””. I smiled it said “nice, should I get a pink or green cast” laughing at him. He tells me pink and then the doctors walk in with a big machine. 

It did really weird things and I couldn’t tell what it was until I saw the little platform and the camera. which I see this a lot because they were not great at resetting my arm. I get the pictures back and I see that both my forearm bones are cracked right through. My Radius was so bad; it was about and inch from breaking my skin. They gave me a bunch of medicine and a lot of other stuff.

Around this time I got Riley in trouble because I told him I bet he wouldn’t do a wheelie in the wheelchair. He did, and that guy goes, “hey we don’t need you broken [incorrect word here] to” we all laughed. Finally the bone doctor came in and was ready to fix my arm. [incorrect word here] Witch my arm didn’t hurt when they were messing with it but it didn’t feel good. It took them about eight tries to reset my arm which I was unhappy with, I was  trying to go home and sleep.

Once they finish they took another x-ray and was waiting for paperwork and the pictures. I was in the room with [capitalization error] riley and my mom. My sister was picked up earlier by my grandpa because my mom didn’t want her there. My coach called while we sat there because my mom contacted them about it. I’m very close with my coaches and I was so mad and upset I could barely do anything for track because I told myself it was my year.

I answered and [spelling error] amedently broke into tears because I knew they would help me through it. I get done with the phone call and right after was the best part of the night. My mom looks at me and goes “Hey, the new Star Wars is coming out soon”

I replied “mom, I hate you. But let me see”, laughing about it. After all the paperwork and x-rays we headed home. I had my arm numb so I didn’t feel anything. We get home and my mom tells me just to get to bed so me and riley went in my room and watched youtube and talk for awhile. Right before we go to sleep Riley tells me “so much for sneaking out with friends tonight”.  

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