Changes | Teen Ink


October 16, 2019
By Anonymous

We all have that one movie.

The one that you watch with your family. The one that you can just relate to. The one movie that just sums up your life. It’s like your drug and your addicted. It’s the one movie that you have to get a new copy because you watch it until it was all scratched up. The one thing that you would do anything in the world to get. That one movie that you just watch all day just because you can.

Well, that’s me with a movie called Second- Hand Lions. I just can’t get enough of the movie. It just explains my life in the most bizarre ways and I love it so much. I could just watch and watch that movie all day. Before I get in on how much I love this movie let me tell you the story on how I got the movie. About a year ago, I got a random package in the mail and I was unsure of who’s it was. I opened it, and it was the movie. For so long I just stared at the movie and didn’t want to watch. Until one rainy, muggy, stay in your pajamas day. I was starting to get bored and played the movie. As I'm watching the movie I started to like it and then I loved it. In the movie, the kid said: “it’s like the medieval days in there”. What he meant was where is the TV. It’s like if you're in the movie and you just want to change some of the parts. I would have called the kid an idiot asking the old men if there is a TV, like come on now use your head.

Present Day: Sometimes I just sit on my couch and think would I have been so hooked on this movie if I had something to do that day. I thank the weather and not to be weird but I think the weather responds to me when I thank it. I would be sitting on my couch, I would spend hours watching the movie, listening to what the characters are saying, and mouthing the words because I know them all already. In the past, I have tried to get my family to watch it with me but it doesn’t work out, they hate the movie.

I remember this one part where the kid in the movie was getting hit by this old man his mom was with and his lion attack the man. It reminded me of my friends because they stand up for me. As I said before, this movie is very relatable. It’s just that one movie, not just anyone, my special one. Now I am older I start to realize that I spent about 50-65 hours just watching that movie. I just can’t help myself. It’s the only thing that I look forward to when I’m bored. The best thing about having a favorite movie is that no one can judge you. Just watch it when everyone isn't near you or go to your room and watch it. With my family, they don’t understand why I like it but I have told them a thousand times and they don’t listen like come on they have elephant ears. They also have the memory of one so there aren’t any excuses why they don't “remember” my explanation. There have been so many days when my family just pushes me to my limits and I just can’t take it and I burst and get in trouble but I just watch the movie and just calm down. It feels like if you're in your own world and everything is perfect. 


Still, I still go to my room and watch the movie until it is all scratched up. I still watch the movie when I'm mad or bored. I still wait until the day is over so I can watch it a thousand times. I still try to get my family involved but it won’t happen. I still love the feeling of being in your own little perfect world where you can do anything and everything. In my world, I'm the kid in the movie. 

This movie shows a lot of the events in life in different ways and that’s why I love it so much I can relate to a lot of it. The kid is going through changes in life and he doesn’t know how to handle it and he gets overwhelmed. Changes in my life have happened and I got overwhelmed and that’s why it’s the movie I love. It’s the one that I watch all the time. It’s the one that I watch till it’s all scratched up. The movie makes me feel like everything is perfect. The one movie that you think is the special one.

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