when i started playing football | Teen Ink

when i started playing football

October 16, 2019
By Anonymous

 It all started when my brother woke up one afternoon it was sunny hot and there was some type of breeze there where birds singing the trees were whistling and the pavement was letting steam up from the ground its so hot and it being cold that night everything started to heat up  and he woke me up and said “get ready to leave”, I did and i take a shower get dressed brush my teeth and all that stuff, then we leave and he starts asking me “do you want to play football”, and I said, “I don't know”. Then he brings me to the middle school where they were doing gear pickup.  once we get to the school he asked me do you want to play, and I said “don't bother me” cause I was getting mad that he was asking every three seconds, finally he asked so much I said yeah I will play. 

         when I went to my first contact practice i walked down the narrow green path and when i got to the end i was on the practice field, it smelled like wet dogs it also felt good to step out there and know that im working hard for something, then once practice started I went for one of the hardest hitters on the team more as he went for me cause i was the one running the ball and i dropped my shoulder and he hit me harder and I went flying through the air. when I landed on my back, it cracked so loud you can hear it from Canada, my head started to hurt, my body was shaking, and I thought I broke every bone in my body when he hit me it sounded like a heard of elephants running through,  Then The head coach was laughing and he even got a video of it, That same day I hit that kid again and actually got to tackle him, it made me feel great and free, and it made me feel like i can do what i want sometimes, because you can hit people for free without getting in trouble. Then I started to hit people and started to get the coach mad/happy because I was a freshman taking on all the people that have been playing since they were little kids.  

         Now I have this song that motivates me and gets me hype before a game and before practice, it relates to me because I'm a running back and wide receiver, the song just talks about how they use to be running backs and if u really listen they say “ send love to all my running backs’’.  Lil Wayne also says “n****s be fumbling pick it up and run it”. This song may not sound like it means something to me but it really does, this song is called running back by Lil Wayne.

          Once I started to play more and tackle people more I just became better at it, now I'm playing with my brother on the team and I'm making more plays and tackles than him, and we are only in practice when I'm doing this stuff. One time they put me as a lineman and I went up against him and I juked him and he fell on his face, Everyone started to laugh when I did that. Now when I play football I know what I'm doing and I know what I have to do. Every time I do something big like a good pass play or running play, which i run so fast when im running that i can probably beat a Lamborgini, but  I get more respect from the team when i try my best and that's what i want, and if u don't have respect on the team then you have to deal with people talking smack about you and other stuff like that. Also, you have to be showing yourself in practice and in a game cause if not then your not showing the coach that you came to win and to win as a team. 

                 So I'm happy that i went with my brother to gear pick up because i love playing football, its fun and you get to hurt people without getting in trouble. Like what's not fun about that

I mean you get to hurt people thats fun. But actually im happy because ive improved so much since ive been playing football and it just makes me feel good and it also helps me do good in school, because i have something to help me through school as it motivates me to do better in school it helps me to stay in school it helps me keep my grades up and all that. But im mostly happy cause i show the coach that i can play and he gets happy and mad because im over here dropping and juking and all that and I'm doing some things better than people who have been playing since they were like six. This is why I'm happy because i just started playing and im already a beast.

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