My Very First Game | Teen Ink

My Very First Game

October 16, 2019
By Anonymous

When I was a child I didn’t have that many games to play and I also used to have a lot of trouble as a kid because I can remember back in kindergarten I always got in trouble and sometimes I couldn’t even bring myself to tell my parents I got in trouble but I had that one thing that really helped me calm down. As if I was in  the game touching, feeling the soft wavy grass below my feet and smelling the nice sweet scent of the flowers and trees and it would feel nice to chop down a tree with an axe in this magical place and that place is Minecraft.

 but now in the present, I play a lot of FPS (First Person Shooter) games and they’re pretty fun when you learn how to play them. like I was talking about back in the past I was only allowed to play games that my parents thought was good for me like WII Sports Resort now that was a fun game when I was little. But the game that I loved the most was Minecraft. Now that game really meant something to me even though not that many people like the game anymore, it's still fun to play because Back when I was 9 the Minecraft I knew about was the Lite version now in that version you only had a tiny selection of blocks to choose from there weren’t even any zombies there was just building with what you had It wasn’t fun when you had no survival, not even hardcore but only creative which wasn’t really creative either because you only had one type of wood, a torch, cactus, and a couple of other things and that's not a lot of stuff.

All of this changed when I first found out about a Minecraft launcher called “Feed The Beast” FTB is a free launcher app for Minecraft and I loved it because you could mod it, which means you can put new things into the game and new creatures. It was a very fun way to play Minecraft when I was a kid. Then I got pocket edition now that was a fun version because like the lite version and FTB it was mobile and it was the same regular version of Minecraft that's on the computer. Pocket edition was really fun because even though you couldn’t mod it you still could do a lot more things with the pocket edition than the lite version. They had all the same types of blocks as the original did and it had survival, hardcore, and even creative and it was really fun to play. The game was the type of game that took away all my stresses, took away all my anger, and took away everything that I didn’t need in my mind.


Minecraft helps me out that's my opinion, but I bet that there is at least one thing in this world that helps everybody out and it doesn’t matter what it is when you or someone else that is feeling stressed. I can remember when I was about eleven when I was playing with my friends on Minecraft and my online friend TheHellSpirit (not his/her real name) took my other friend Farmboy’s chickens and he got really mad about it, so we have this thing that allows all of us to talk to each other from long distances called Discord and he made a chat that was named interrogation which was funny because he interrogated each and every one of us and he still couldn’t find out who it was and I can remember the last person he interrogated was another friend of mine and I remember how the chat went down. It was a normal day of 8th Grade followed by a very interesting call from Farmboy I could hear him screaming “Who Took My Chickens!” very loudly, he was as mad as a hatter, it was a terrible scream he had that I’m-so-mad-that-I-can-cry  type of scream. And then as we scrambled around while trying to find an answer, jumping up and down trying no to laugh at him screaming through his mic it was hilarious.

So what I’m saying is that it’s fun playing minecraft even though it can be annoying to lose all of your things when you have to respawn but that's the fun of minecraft you always have to work hard to get to where you are going. So now in the present I still play it today and honestly I think it is a nice way to calm down and again I really think that what makes you calm down whether it be a movie or a song if it makes you feel calm then that's good.

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