5 seconds of courage | Teen Ink

5 seconds of courage

October 16, 2019
By LonnieV BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
LonnieV BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. ~ Robin Williams

It was early in the morning; I sat up and gave the biggest yawn (*insert very obnoxious yawn*) and stretched. me, Kenna, and Bri had all stayed at Kenzie's so we could wake up early to get to cedar point. We all sort of rushed around to get everything so we could get out the door. On the way we stopped at family dollar; me Kenzie, Kenna, Bri, and Kenzie’s dad walked inside to get something for the road. “Pick something out for you guys” we all headed straight to the snack aisle. I took a gander at the wall of candy, chips, and pop “hmmmm does honey buns sound good?” they all nodded and said “sure, why not” so I grabbed them, some chips, and jolly ranchers and headed out back onto the road.

As we carried onto the road we switched taking turns playing music; I played some michael jackson, tame impala, and pumped up kicks. Later we stopped for a bathroom break and got some mcdonalds; it was quite delicious. While traveling on the road i decided to rest my eyes and ended up sleeping throughout the car trip but I did wake up when we got closer to cedar point. I was ecstatic , It would be my first time riding the big roller coasters. I come from a big family and we don't get to go out much; so, being invited to this was an awesome opportunity.
After 5 hours of driving we finally got to Ohio and approached cedar point. I'm so anxious but so exhilarated. We all strolled through the entrance; there were lines that seemed like a mile long with people just a few inches away from each other . We get up to the first ride; however, there was a semi-big line. The line was underneath on where the ride was, it was towering over us; therefore, i'm not so thrilled anymore. my heart began to race and I start getting worked up. I wanted to just jump out of line but they wouldn't let me “your not leaving your gonna go on this ride with us” kenzie continuously pushed me through the line. We get further and further up in the line until we are right there.i could hear the thrashing of my heart in my stomach, thinking of all the things that could go wrong.

The ride before us takes off and their screams fade as they get farther and father and how their screams slowly got louder until they sped back and their screams faded out again.it felt like my vision kind of blurred in and out as the people on the ride went back and forth. I kinda shook myself and tried to relax. I could see Bri, Kenna, and Kenzie were excited to get on the roller coaster. I look at everybody on the ride and their smiling faces, some of them laughing and having a great time. I seen how fun it looked. Some laughing some screaming. And I think to myself, I want to do that, I want to get on the ride.

The creaky gate swung open, and I walked up and got onto the roller coaster, all my anxiety and panic rush back into me as I quickly try to buckle it just in case the ride was to take off at any moment. I looked at Bri “i don't think i want to do this anymore” she just snickered and said “ would you like to hold my hand?” I grasped her hand and tried to calm my breathing. I sat there as the guy over the speaker talked, i heard his speech for almost an hour waiting in the line and i know what's about to come after he says”ARE YOU READY!! 3... 2... 1!”.
The dash of the wind blowing on my face and my adrenaline flowing when the ride dropped. The weightless feeling and the thrill and excitement rushing through my body.i felt all the anxiety and panic leave my body as screams of joy and laughter exit my mouth. I was having a blast, as we reached the top peak of the roller coaster it's like my body was in slow motion and I could see the lake and the sky it was pulchritudinous.

After the ride ended i leaped out of the seat and felt my legs started wobbling, and I chuckled , I love this feeling and I was ready for another ride. All it took was a quick 5 seconds of courage, and I didn't get into my head and panic. With that small second of guts and my friends staying next to me, now I love to ride rollercoasters.

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