Not What It Seems | Teen Ink

Not What It Seems

October 17, 2019
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Once upon a time, I thought I could trust everyone… This all changed one cold Autumn day…

It was a normal day like any other. A cool, windy Autumn day near Halloween… The schools After School Program was let out at the normal time and began walking the long bendy road home. It was a nice cool breezy that day, but something As I go down my normal road it gets colder, the wind howls ferociously, the trees shook violently in the wind.  The clouds begin to turn a dark grey...

I get closer to home. Happiness turns to caution, caution turns to anxiety, anxiety turns to dread.

I get right near the gate leading to the yard and somethings off.. The house has an aura… Not that ‘home sweet home’ aura, but an aura screaming something’s wrong here. I look to see that my mother’s car is not in the driveway that now felt like miles from the inside..I notice almost immediately after that the mailbox is crooked, slightly off its normal base...The door to the intersection between the kitchen and my grandmother’s room is open, but next to it is..or was a completely shattered glass. The colorful Autumn leaves that lie in the breezeway had been disturbed and it wasn’t hard to see. I step inside and a smell slams me in the face. It smelled like metal and how a rusted nail sitting in the soft dirt, or like a freshly cleaned kitchen..except it wasn’t at all clean… Tables are flipped, glass is on the floor,cabinets opened and things missing...this was only the kitchen.

As I progress I find more glass and ENTIRE metal  baby gate that was screwed deep into the wall on the floor… mangled broken and forgotten...I move more towards the living room. The lights flickered to find one of the sofas ripped up and the TV on the ground. I had through what had been the living room and dining room…

Then I walk through a short hall into a disfigured variation of my own room...chairs everywhere, door was 100% ripped off hinges and on the beds wooden parts  clawed and scratched…

I quickly decide it’s time to leave so i drop my backpack, grab my phone of the bed that somehow survived whatever happened, and bolt it..once out, I tripped on some scattered tools and sharp objects I hadn’t noticed landing palm first on some i run out the gate, it screams at my attempts to slam it open.. I ran faster than I had ever ran towards my grandfather’s house, the wind on my back no longer soothing..but icey and uncomfortable. I get to his home and run straight into his and my mimi’s arms and tell them everything…
It turns out that my older brother had gotten into a psychotic drug type thing.. He had a “trip” about at home resulting in everything being messed up. My mother had to drop him and take him down twice before they got into the resulting in the following hospital and mental ward trips…

Once upon a time a time i thought i could trust everyone..turns out it isn’t aware, be aware of those you call friends or family...people aren’t always who they seem..Life is not what it seems...

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