The Light in the Dark Tunnel | Teen Ink

The Light in the Dark Tunnel

October 19, 2019
By Anonymous

  I was walking home from football practice one scorching day in July whilst my shadow followed me, and the sun smiled down on me, I arrived at my front door, I braced myself before I entered. To my surprise, my once crazy loud house was surprisingly normal. Confused about the silence, and exhausted from the workouts, I hurled my heavy backpack off into my dirty unorganized room and headed toward the most silent living room. I was puzzled on why the house didn’t sound like the usual blaring tornado siren with all the yelling and screaming. As I walked into the dimly lit living room to see why the house is so silent, I see a tiny striped kitten staring at me with his beautiful beady blue eyes. Everyone was huddled around the kitten with smiling faces. 

You see, before we got the kitten, the arguing and yelling was relentless. I honestly thought this would be the last summer I’d spend with all of my family members under one roof. Each day, I would get home and hear things breaking, people yelling. This is something that no child should ever have to listen to. I knew something had to change soon but I wasn’t sure what would save our family from crumbling into pieces.  That was until Angelo arrived.

 Angelo is my angel sent from heaven. Even though Angelo doesn’t respond to “Angelo” when you call him over to you, he’s the furry ball of savior at my house. Angelo continuously calms the house more and more with each passing day. He literally acts as though he owns the place as he finds his way atop the dust collecting fireplace mantle that hasn’t been used in years. He stands elegantly as though he is a king who demands everyone's undivided attention. Angelo surely deserves the attention. Lately, I’ve said to myself, “Finally, there is no more worrying about celebrating holidays in two different homes.” I hope Angelo will continue to bring us happiness and keep the mood uplifted in my house. 

The author's comments:

My cat Angelo is very important to my family and I 

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