The Most Memorable Things in Each of my Moves | Teen Ink

The Most Memorable Things in Each of my Moves

March 5, 2020
By Anonymous

 Barnsdale Road - the home in which I had made my very first friends, learned how to ride a bike, found out that Santa isn’t real, and lost my first tooth. I remember that distinct smell of my garage, where my brother would beat me at ping pong, the exact light purple paint in my old room I once shared with my sister. The driveway, always covered with chalk, the backyard, containing my old trampoline where I was taught to do a backflip. The dining room was where the lights always randomly flickered, but added a great effect to all the dances I would perform. 

Van Beuren - the second home I had ever lived in; a tiny cream colored cottage on a 30 acre land with another house and small farm to the right. I remember how excited I was to have my very own room, little did I know it was the size of a closet. I began middle school in a different town and was forced to make new friends; I was terrified at first. I learned to play the flute which I carried with me for 4 more years. I experienced grief as my family and I had to put down all 3 of our pets. The 2 farm dogs made great company as I would run around outside to soak up the sun, ride my bike on the gravel, say hello to the cows, or help my Dad garden. Slip N’ Slides were very common in the summer, although I would always ruin the grass. The sunlight that would cave into the house was magnificent and made it 10 times calmer. The banner one of my sisters made hung up over our red couch to greet me as I arrived home from a month away at sleepaway camp. A news channel once came when one of the cows got loose and I made my very first appearance on TV. 

Mount Kemble - an upgrade, I remember, but with a smaller backyard. I had my own room again, yet bigger and with two beds (I felt like the coolest 7th grader of all time). At night I could hear the cars whooshing back and forth, given that our house was off of a highway, causing it to be difficult to adjust. The basement was scary to me because it was not refinished. There was a room down there which my brother called his “Man Cave.” I experienced a weird transition from switching soccer to field hockey. I adopted two new kittens that we named Simba and Duma, both looking like lions. My cousins surprised me for my 8th grade graduation. I began my 4 years as a high school student. My sister threw a huge party for her 21st birthday. My brother and I would bond by watching Netflix together. 

Woodland - a familiar house. This is where one of my brothers’ friends lived, and now I was living there. There were weird vibes at first, but it all deteriorated when I found out I had my own room again. My sister and I would blast music over the installed speakers and have our own dance parties, smores being made on the backyard patio in the summer, showering by sitting on a stool caused by knee surgery. I finally got my long awaited license! I drove around everywhere, got Dunkin Donuts before school, and realized how expensive gas is. I began junior year of high school, started a new job, and made some new friends. 

Green  - an adjustment, but the coziest home ever. Never completely unpacked, knowing this is only a temporary home. Senior year began; applying to colleges, desperately waiting for second semester, and discovering I have a bad case of senioritis. My family and I went to Disney World and Universal Studios and my sister and her boyfriend adopted two kittens I consider mine. I am still working at the same job, but I made some more friends. Patiently waiting for the year to end and to graduate as I find myself ready for my future.

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