Annoyed | Teen Ink


March 5, 2020
By alexaslabaugh BRONZE, Madison, New Jersey
alexaslabaugh BRONZE, Madison, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I cannot stand mushy fruit. Mushy apples, mushy grapes, and mushy peaches and plums I despise. Fruit is one of my favorite foods, but if the skin of the fruit is not tight and crisp to the bite I will not acknowledge fruit in such high regard. Fruit that is supposed to be mushy like bananas or mangoes I can tolerate, but there are no other exceptions. If my brother eats mushy fruit, I simply do not care, but if he drinks my lemonade or finishes the potato chips, I cannot control my anger. I cannot deal with coming home after a long day of school and not finding some of my favorite snacks waiting for me to appreciate them. If he takes too big of a portion of the dinner, I also become infuriated. It’s not too much to ask. He, after all, isn’t the only person that is living in this house and that looks forward to a nice meal at the end of the day. All I am trying to say is that he needs to have a little more respect for everyone else in the family. Someone, or something, else that needs to have a little more respect for me is my cat. She actually needs to have some respect, more specifically, for my black clothing. She is a Balinese cat, so she has a thick white fur coat that manages to stick on all my clothing, even if I do not go near her or pick her up. A lint roller, in this case, is my best friend and if I am wearing something black to school, I will have to spend 5 minutes using it, even if I am already late to school. I cannot be walking around the halls showcasing her fur… I feel that I would just be rewarding her bad behavior. Now, I don’t always have to worry about my cat’s hair being noticed, as I have other lighter colored clothing I could wear, but darker clothing is my go-to because it's the easiest to pair. At night, when I am already in my bed, at around 12:30 am and I finished my homework and finished feeding my social media addiction, I often think about what I want to wear the next day and maybe I want to switch up my style. In my head, I plan out this perfect outfit, but it just disappoints the next day when I cannot find the shirt or the pants I am looking to make this outfit with. The shirt or the pants may be in the washing machine or somewhere buried under other clothes in my drawer or rather in one of my family member’s drawers or closets. I end up running around like a crazy lady trying to find this article of clothing that would go so well with the rest of my outfit. I normally wake up with just enough time to change out of my pajamas, put on my outfit, and brush my teeth, so I do not know what leads me to believe that planning an outfit the night before and not actually putting it together that night would be beneficial for my well-being in the morning. In this case, it seems that my own doing makes me annoyed and then leads me to be stressed, so I think I need to rearrange my lifestyle and be more proactive or I will just continue on this path of annoyance. 

The author's comments:

It is evitable to live your life without getting annoyed about random aspects of life. I capture what aspects of my life annoy me... maybe you have connect with them? 

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