30 Seconds | Teen Ink

30 Seconds

March 11, 2020
By loganMAKJB87 BRONZE, Gobles, Michigan
loganMAKJB87 BRONZE, Gobles, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
life is not worth living if you don't live

“ I never thought that it would happen like this”

When I thought this, I thought that I was going to die or something like that. This was not a joke because it was real and it was scary. It was the scariest 30 seconds. This all happend in July of 2019.


It was a bright and sunny day with all types of flowers it looked like hundreds of them, Mabye even thousands of them. As I walk I hear birds churping it feels like a dream. Im humming and humming, taking pictures of my day. I picked  flowers apon flowers, I put them all on my bunnys grave, his name was buns. My Grandmother Jackie called me to come inside becuase She wanted me to change into work clothes because we were going to the barn. When we got to the barn what we had to do was a bunch of work, we would have it so we would dig wood and then we would do a bunch of other things like that. Them we went to the store to get groceries. When we got home Ugrency came with my name being called.

“LOGAN GET INSIDE NOW’ My Grandmother demanded, I froze, then stopped dead in my tracks !Bam!, Midstep my left leg barley touching the soft crystalline ground benath my feet.  My body tensed up, my body got cold like I was in an icebox. Shivers went up and then down my spine, my leg started to get warm super warm. Then my other leg the back part got really warm too, going from the bottom of my leg to the top part of my thigh. The pain shot my leg like someone had shot me with a b.b. Gun, the pain shotting freom of my leg toward my spine., it was almost instintanious becuse I had never blinked in the point of my life. I had never been so petrified in my life. My eyes got so big they were about to buldge out of my head, my mouth dropped open like a deer cought in headlights. My legs then went numb, then they straitend, stiffend like a board. My grandma’s eyes got so wide. All this time the icecream had been melting in the container that was in my hand from the sun beating down on icecream. As I turn around I think to myself “why.’’ When I get my head turned around I have to catch my mouth from falling on the ground. Its a big, brown, muscular, PITBULL! As I run up the stairs I think about my life and everything that has been with it. 

When I get inside those dogs start charging the door, fast as a bullet, When they ran I thought that the ground was going to collapse underneath them. “Those dogs are fighting dogs.’’ I mumbled in confusion, My grandmother was telling me to speak up, but as they got closer to the door all I could think about was that moment, that 30 seconds, that seemed to last a whole lifetime.

After we got out of the mudroom WE also known as my Grandmother thought that it would be a “good idea” to let those dogs on the back deck, there is also a door that leads inside were we are on the deck, and somehow I ended up back with those dogs, I cant remember how I ended up back outside but, somehow I did.

When I was outside they were just jumping up and down on me, it was like they did not know how to behave, its probobly because they dont know how to act. (The lady that was their owner told us that they were for breeding, my family knew that that was a lie.)  Anyways, my grandmother had come outside to help me calm down, but when she did it was all just a blurr. I was sitting in the chair right of the door and she had her phone in one hand and held the door open in the other, but when she had the door open a little bit she was bumbarded by dogs. The cat that I had been holding had suddenly ran away, we found him later that day. As the dogs had rushed my grandmother she let out a sudden screech that made my heart drop 100mph. When we got inside we thought that it would be ok but we were wrong becuase the dogs were fighting, we had to pull them off of eachother. As the tears rolled down my cheeks in the marks of my past, the tears would not stop coming out, it started after the dogs that were fighting and I dont know where it came from but with the back door wide open I threw that dog outside. After I threw both dogs out I thought about this and was very mad at those dogs. They were mean and everything in between. We had put them in a stock trailer so they cant get out but I was scared that they would anyway. 

When we decided to call my dad he was going to have them dumped way far away, but we found the owner before. She had told us that they were just puppies but that was the scary part and that they were for breeding. She had also told us that their fence was broken and that their kids had been told to not let them outside but they did it anyway.

What I am most thankful about is that  nobody was harmed in that situation and I am thankful that that event had happend to me becuase I would not want that to happen to anybody else because that was the most scary experince in my life and that I hope that that does not happen again. I am thankful that this event changed me becuase it makes me more cautious of dogs.

The author's comments:

this all happend in july of 2019 and this was the scariest moment of my life and i dont want this to ever happen again 

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