Name | Teen Ink


May 11, 2020
By Anonymous

A palindrome. A word that can be spelled the same way forward as backwards, and yet it will always remain the same. Hannah. Something different and against the flow. An old lovely forgotten melody. 

A vast empty blue sky, that never ends for miles. Not a single cloud, not a bird or plane. Silent. You look down to see the same, The same Vast blue empty scene across the unrippled lake. A reflection of each other. You can’t help but stare in peace, beauty and grace. This is Hannah.   

No It is not Hana. And no it will never be Hanna. Six letters is what it takes, never any less. Two N’s. Two A’s. And Two H’s. Like a 1000 piece puzzle, if you were to be missing one piece, the entire thing would not be whole to its potential. Without all of my six letters I would not be complete.

To me I am Hannah, nothing larger nothing smaller. To my mother I am Nana, given to me as a baby. It was light, like a sunday morning, rather than my full name, Hannah,  a monday night. To my sister and my beloved boyfriend I am Han. Short and sweet, never long and angry. To my step dad I will always be nanners, his happy helper. To my godfather I am peanut. I am his small companion on our adventures to lunch. To my friends I am hanny. Something funny, to give you a little smile as my name leaves your mouth

My name was given to me as easily as you give a dog a treat. “Hunny please take Hannah for a drive in the Honda so she can go back to sleep,” a mid 30s woman told her husband on the new honda minivan commercial. It instantly clicked in mom's head. Hannah Is what I shall be.

The end H’s are what hold me all together so perfectly. Without my H’s I wouldn't be. It is such an incomplete deep dark grey empty feeling without my H’s to keep me in and safe. It's like wanting a sandwich so bad, so you get all your ingredients together and out, to find out you don't have bread.. My H’s are my bread. 

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