Once Told | Teen Ink

Once Told

May 12, 2020
By _Coco BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
_Coco BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was once told by a dear friend that, sometimes you need them physically. You just want them to be there. You just want to know someone is there. A calm in the storm. As you grow, you begin to look at the world differently, you look at your world. It’s hard for people to see the other side of things, but it’s especially hard to look at the world from that third point of view. I always in every situation, try to see three points of view. Mine, the other person, and a bystander, in a way no opinion, no input, just seeing how it all plays out. I believe that it is good to have all these points of view, plan into action in any situation. It’s always better to be over prepared, then not prepared at all. Going back to what I said in the beginning, sometimes it’s more of knowing someone is there then actually needed/ and or wanting them. For example, when I was little, not too little but a good size. I would want my parents to check on me after I went to bed (now I never know if they did, they probably did, but who knows?). The whole point of this was, I wanted to know someone was there, but didn’t want them directly laying in my bed until I fell asleep. Sometimes you just need distance, but just enough so you can also have someone there if you want them. Just, never too much distance.

The author's comments:

The way I tend to write is the way I talk, and for anyone who knows me will know that is very much true. A lot of the things I have written have stimmed from personal experiences, and this one was when I was getting over this guy. I hope someone out there can relate in some form.

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