hello, goodbye | Teen Ink

hello, goodbye

June 1, 2021
By Anonymous

I’ve never done well with goodbyes. That is why I hate hellos. Saying hello to somebody just means that eventually, you'll have to say bye. Saying goodbye to my cousins Lilly and Grace has always been hard, because of how far away we live from each other. They live all the way in Connecticut, while I am here in North Carolina. Over the years, the three of us have gotten closer and now can’t go a night without having a FaceTime call or texting each other. We basically have separation anxiety while living 10 hours away from one another. 

Last summer was difficult. Saying goodbye to them last summer was something I will never forget. We had just spent two and a half weeks together and weren’t ready to say goodbye. Last year the three of us went through a lot and getting to even see each other at all was something we weren’t expecting. So after having sleepovers almost every night and being around each other for all hours of the day the night we had to say goodbye was rough. The night started off great and we were having fun until we heard my mom say we needed to leave. The three of us got real quiet and just looked at each other for a few minutes. Then the tears came. After not seeing each other for almost a year, we were being pulled apart again.

I said my goodbyes to my uncle and aunt, which was ok. Then I said bye to my little cousin William which was hard. But when I turned to Lilly and Grace, we broke down into tears. I can’t pinpoint which emotion I was feeling in that moment, but it is something I will never forget. The three of us always had a strong bond, but after that trip last year we have gotten even closer. So when we had our last hugs and last laughs at how ridiculous we looked sobbing in the middle of the street, I got into my car and drove away. Of course I cried more when we got back to where we were staying and I called them on the phone one last time to say goodnight and I went to sleep. 

Words cannot describe how important Lilly and Grace are to me. They have helped me through so much and understand me better than anyone. I know I can always count on them to be there for me, even if they are 10 hours away. I don’t think I thank them enough for how much they have supported me throughout the years and how much they have helped me grow. If it weren’t for them, I don’t know what I would do. They have started up to the latest hours of the night to talk me through rough times and never complained, they put up with all of my ranting, don’t mind when I call them randomly just to say I miss them, and so much more. 

So in a few weeks when I get to see them again, saying hello will be a relief, but will also make me dread another goodbye. I can’t wait to make more memories with them to add to our ever growing collection. Hopefully we can make it more than five minutes before the tears start this time around. I highly doubt it though. I think that this goodbye will be good though, because we know we’ll be seeing each other sooner rather than later. 

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