The Moment I Left Grandma’s House   | Teen Ink

 The Moment I Left Grandma’s House  

June 14, 2021
By Anonymous

I was born on September 19, 2005, in a family from Elbasan in the city of Tirana. I was the second blessing of my parents, two good people, loving and hardworking, so they gave me a lot of love, which I have never lacked. 

 At the age of two, when I had just learned to take my first steps, my mother returned to work, therefore my grandmother, who lived in Elbasan, looked after me. It was this place where I spent two years of my life. I grew up in a green place, with the warm breeze of the village and fresh food but I grew up with my grandmother, so I did not feel the absence of my parents that much.  
I remember that every morning, I used to get up early to collect chicken eggs, and then we would get cow’s milk. We used to water her plants and pick strawberries and apples from the garden. Moreover, we used to play and hang a lot in her garden and only at the end of the day we would sit in the grass to enjoy some fresh fruits and homemade lemonade.  

“Doris, do you want some homemade lemonade?" my grandma ask me. 
 "Of course,” I always replied.  

Every day she cooked my favourite foods, caressed me with her warm hands, and told me fairy tales that were varied and beautiful. On my birthday she was the first to congratulate me and give me the most beautiful dolls. Whenever I was afraid of the dark my sweet grandmother hugged me with her warm arms. But time passed and I had to leave that place so dear to me, a place where I spent the most beautiful and mesmerising moments with my best friend: my grandmother. At that moment everything started to change. 
After returning home, I had to get used to city life, to the endless tall buildings, and noisy and crowded streets of people smoking and talking all the way long to long. I would miss life in the village a lot.  

Thirteen years have passed but I am quite connected to the village where I spent the two most beautiful years with my grandmother. I often visit that place if I have the chance and I really like to go back in time and do those things that my grandma and I used to do when I was only two years old. This was one of the moments of my life that has taken a deep place in my memories and that I will always remember as one of the most special memories. 
Growing up with grandparents, future will be better. It is certain that you will be more loving with people and certainly more sociable. Children with grandparents can have more fun, although most say they become more spoiled. But a little spoiling does no harm, when we grow up, we will miss it. Whoever grew up with grandparents knows this. There is nothing better than being surrounded by as many people as possible who love you and are always there when you need them. You can play with your grandparents because they never say "no" when their grandchildren ask for it, even if the game is electronic. Grandparents will show the will to learn it, unlike parents who will find an excuse not to do it. Grandparents are ready to organize picnics, play ball with the children, take pictures in nature, go for walks, read etc. All the things I mentioned here I missed a lot since the day I left. 

This memory means a lot to me. I have understood that growing up with my grandparents has totally changed my personality as an individual nowadays. Growing up with love and honesty has made me a better person. I have learned to cherish the good things that happen in life and they taught me to always be happy and positive towards others. 

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