The lanyard I carry | Teen Ink

The lanyard I carry

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

As we stare at the field covered in sweat and standing in the scorching heat, Coach says on the line. We all sigh in disbelief, even after all of the hard work we still have to run. The feeling of pain and anger soars across all of us. We run and run until we fall out. At the end the coach blows the whistle, says get water and take a knee. We are all relieved to hear those words out of his mouth. He starts to talk about our game this week and how we need to prepare for it. We all smell like sweat. Then we all go home. 

The next day after practice the coach said that all this work we do is going to pay off. He started handing out lanyards. The lanyards had a piece of a chain. He started explaining that the chain represents the link between the entire team. He sys “even if a link is missing the chain is incomplete. He and the other coaches had stayed up all night cutting a chain and making these lanyards. The lanyards were special because they represented the link and the connection between our teammates and coaches.

The green turf with bleachers and locker rooms. The field was made of artificial turf. Everytime you walk or run you see the turf fly off the ground. The concession stands and the bathrooms behind it. The Stadium was large. It had many people when there were games. The games were really exciting because of the mood of the area. The fans, the lights, the green turf. It was amazing every time you stepped foot on it. 

He was a decent sized person. He looked about 5 foot 10, 190 pounds. He takes foot onto the field. We run plays and we watch him run and catch the ball. He looked really good. He looked like he was here to stay. The next day we have a scrimmage. We all get to the field and get ready. The game starts, he is running and scoring. In the end we won.

In conclusion, this was a really important event in my life because I got to play the sport I love. It impacted me by giving me the ability to time manage because it was hard coming home late and still having to do more work. I will continue to play and enjoy the sport. The lanyard reminds me not to do stupid things because if I get in trouble the team will suffer. 

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