The Memories That It Carries | Teen Ink

The Memories That It Carries

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

         Was this going to be its last time going to the mall? Everytime I use the wallet I fear that it will be the last. It has become so worn down to the point it is barely hanging on. I could not give this up yet, what would I use after this? I can’t bring myself to buy another wallet because it just won’t be the same. It has seen much better days but the wallet continues to do its job. Is it time to go purchase a new wallet or do I keep this one till it can no longer function? 

         The day was just like any other where I went shopping with my family. We go to various stores in no particular order but usually end up at the mall window shopping. I needed a new wallet and this one caught my eye. It was the perfect color blue with a beautiful flower pattern all over it. It looked like no other wallet I had seen before. This one was a unique color that I had never seen anyone have. I have had it for almost a year now and it shows. The wallet is now worn out with thread falling off of it along with the zipper slowly falling off. It has held many memories and has seen a lot of memories as well. 

         My mom watches as I purchase my first real wallet. Her eyes were bottling up the tears to prevent her from crying. Thoughts were racing through her mind because this was a big step for her daughter. Even though it isn’t a big deal for many people, it was to her. She knew that this meant her daughter was growing up. At that moment, she did not say a word, instead she just watched as her daughter took a little step towards adulthood. She cherished the moment with a smile on her face as I checked out at the counter. 

         People walk through the house all day long and occasionally right past the worn down wallet. The wallet is hung beside the sliding door that is used by many everyday. No one pays attention to the hanging wallet except when their arm hits it by accident. Keys, keychains, masks and other small necessities are right beside it. The house is full of kindness and is very welcoming. The temperature is always cold and the air is always dry. The dinner table sits beside the hooks where people’s important belongings are hung. The small wallet is sitting there all day everyday without being used. Everything around it is constantly moving and changing but the old wallet stays in its spot. 

        Although it might not mean a lot to some people, this wallet means a lot to me. This wallet means a lot to me after everything it has been through. It has been on roller coasters, road trips and has been through almost every experience I have. I can’t explain the weight because it is always changing, sometimes it can become quite heavy and sometimes it can be very light. I never really notice the weight because I am used to it.  It all just depends on what it contains and what memories it holds. I continue to fill it with important things in my life and take it with me wherever I go. 

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