name essay | Teen Ink

name essay

January 24, 2022
By 3geffers BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3geffers BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Charlie is my name, unique yet subtle and has a crazy touch to it. I feel like it was made how I act. The name Charlie means free man or like a free being among others. 

The feeling of my name is weird. It is energetic but calm like coffee, your hyper at first then you crash after a while. My name reminds me of the sun or a fresh orange off the vine. It's a very busy feeling name. like cluttered and chaotic or a mess. My name feels like a busy city. I can get easily jammed full of work and I am very unorganized when it comes to keeping my work in the right place.

I feel as if my name is basic but unique. It's uncommon. A very unused name in my school. It stands out but at the same time it is bland and it does not mean a lot to anyone. I was not named after anyone in particular. My parents just picked the name that fits me the best and went with it. 

There are some funny yet pleasant nicknames that people call me sometimes that make me feel fun and important like, chuck, charles, chucky, etc. these names are kinda special only close friends or family members call me those names. 

I feel like my name is a texture sometimes like a bumpy and uneven surface. Odd but normal. It can be smooth too. When someone gently says my name it feels smooth but when someone yells my name it gets rough and bumpy. 

When people usually hear my name it is loving and funny emotions but also a stressed tone. I love joking around a lot and having fun but I get really overloaded and packed with lots of things. That is why I am funny. To keep my mind off of it.

My name fits me really well, it fits my personality, it fits what I look like, my name fits me. I like my name and what my parents felt fit me because I act energetic like my name.  

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