Chipped | Teen Ink


January 31, 2022
By Anonymous

 The faint laughter of kids bounced off the nearby trees in the park. The area was crystal white it looked like an illusion. It glistened off the green bunches near the tall brick walls. My body relaxed as I looked around. I was in awe. 

    My knees under my thighs and had a perfect view of the crystal snow around the park. As my friend got on and we were descending the hill my palms started to get wet and my heart became more tight. Everything was tight and tense. I felt as if I was about to explode. I was wondering why I had this awful thing going through my body. That was until I looked up and saw a big brown stump coming at us at an inhuman speed. My vision faded away just as the night sky fades over the daylight. 

    As soon as my vision let me access the light I could feel the worst starting to happen. In an instant my tongue was trailing over my teeth, there were several tiny holes on the bottom of one of my big front teeth. When realization hit me my throat couldn’t suck air in and out for what felt like for 10 minutes, and my palms instantly went to cup my face. I knew it, just knew it. The thing I have been fearing happened AGAIN!!! The bonding of my teeth fell off AGAIN, and as soon as I noticed it my mind started swarming with thoughts as bees swarmed around hives. My mind was in a cluster, I couldn’t think straight. All that was keeping me occupied was the voices of my mother inside of my brain. Of her telling how I should have been more careful, why I’m so clumsy, and what an awful mess I was for chipping my tooth again. I was thinking so much about my teeth-and the things she might say to me- that I didn’t notice the frozen streak of water that came down onto my cheek. People rushed towards me thinking I broke my hand or sprained something. Once my face was hidden and my hands still protecting my mouth. After a while, I looked at my mom's face to see the realization of the situation. I could sense it by the look she gave me, big eyes and the stern straight lips. Suddenly my ears closed the sound out and the landscape shoved all the people away except for my mother and I. My heart was  pounding even harder that it was about to burst out of my chest,  palms suddenly became drenched; despite the coldness of the air around us. Then out of nowhere the sound came back into my ears and the people jumped back into frame. My palms went back to their freezing form and my heart returned to it’s normal pace. 

    “Remove your hands, I want to see” said my mom 

    I was going to show her one way or the other that my tooth was chipped, so why did it feel like there were chains securing my hands to my mouth. It took an eternity for my mom to walk over and slowly remove my hands from my face. My head is still down, begging her not to be disappointed, mad, agitated, or anything of that sort. As my head was rising I could feel something was off, but in a good way. Instead of seeing what my mind was telling me I saw the exact opposite. I saw her smile and comfort me about the situation, the hand on my back trying to draw imaginary circles again and again. Soothing words came out of her mouth telling me that “everything was all right”, “No need to worry”, “It’s not your fault, but the tree’s”. All of the tenseness in my body sailed away as the sentences were spilling out of her mouth. Even some little chuckles came out in the process. 

    The tree not only damaged my tooth and left big green and yellow marks on my body, but it also left a little concussion in my head.  While laying on the couch I felt my body come and go through consciousness. 

    Once my body finally decided to wake up and observe the living space around me. Taking a sigh of relief I looked back on the events that were still fresh in my mind. The crystal white snow with the black and rude stomp that led to my bonding breaking off. When replaying those experiences from hours ago I make notes in my head that remind me of things not to do in order for things to not repeat itself. Reminders like being more careful, looking at my surroundings before taking action in whatever I’m doing, making sure I’m in a position where I can escape, and many other reminders that will come in handy later on. 

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