Moving my life | Teen Ink

Moving my life

February 7, 2022
By Anonymous

It was the beginning of 2019 when we decided to move houses. My parents had recently separated and my mom knew we wouldn’t be able to afford our house for much longer. This means we had to pack up our whole life and move it someplace else. We needed to sell our house and find a new one to move to. We started to gradually pack up our house and it was so sad to see all the memories drift away. Everyday our house would fill with cardboard boxes and lose the memories that have always been there.

As we put our house on the market there would be days where we left and killed time for hours to let people come and see our house. It was hard for me to think about letting someone else come in and take my home forever. No one bought it for the longest time and it was terrible.

We completely packed up our house and it looked so sad now, in fact it didn’t even look like our house anymore. Our living room which had previously had 3 large couches, a beautiful rug, a fireplace with family pictures of us, and a coffee table with keys and miscellaneous items was now empty. There were no pictures and no furniture left.

The kitchen was beautiful; our white cabinets filled with dishes, our big brown table with a cute little fruit basket and windows letting in the warm bright sun.l This was now a room with nothing but tile and empty cupboards. My room was shared with my sister. The colors consisted of everything in the rainbow and overall set a very happy mood. I had a loft bed with purple, leafy covers while my sister had pink. Our curtains were bright purple as well and the rest of our furniture was white. Well of course until all of our clothes, decor, and bedding was moved to storage. Our backyard mostly stayed the same except all the tos and pool floats were gone. Our house turned from happy homey colors to dark and sad empty rooms with nothing in them. As soon as we found a house we moved. As we started moving in and decorating I wondered if the people that lived in the house before us felt the same way. Do they feel sad, empty yet excited? Did they have to watch their home fade away? When we were done settling in it was better but it didn’t feel like home yet. I was so sad because I knew we wouldn't get to go back to that special place. You never know how meaningful something is until you don’t have it anymore. I knew it would take some time to feel comfortable in the new house but I was excited for the new journey and memories to be made here.

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