Border of Heaven | Teen Ink

Border of Heaven

February 7, 2022
By FoxReader02 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
FoxReader02 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I heard my grandmother yell out my father’s name, pain in her voice. I stopped what I was doing and started to run to my living room, where my grandparents hang out all the time. On my way, I felt my forehead wet with sweat. My senses were already so keen with worry I could hear my dad’s footsteps close behind me. When I saw what was happening in that living room, my heart dropped, and my eyes clouded with tears. My grandfather was lying on the floor, convulsing vigorously.

When my mom came into the living room, she instantly told me to take my baby sister to my room to avoid getting scared with all the commotion. Before this incident, I had a big fight with my grandfather. I was afraid that I had caused him to have a seizure. I closed my bedroom door behind me so my baby sister wouldn’t try to leave my room. I sat on my bed, already bawling my eyes out. I was so scared that my grandfather would die because I had to argue with him. 

  I tried to calm myself, so my baby sister wouldn’t get upset, but I failed horribly. All I could do was think about what my grandfather was experiencing during this. Could he see my parents walking around him, trying to help him? Or was he in his mind,  just dreaming like he was asleep? Questioning turned to worry, and my thoughts turned to my fight with my grandfather. The idea that I had caused this entered my mind. Did I cause this? What would I do if he died? I would have the grief that I killed my grandfather on my mind forever. Did I caus- My thoughts were interrupted as I heard sirens blaring sounds at me. I had thought, ‘do they know I caused this? Are the sirens aiming the sound at me? Is the world upset at me?’ I shook away the ridiculous and sad thoughts that had clouded my mind. I picked up my sister and walked into the living room. 

 I watched as the EMTs wheeled my grandfather out on a stretcher. They took a blood sample of him and left. He was in the hospital for a week or two, and my dogs barely ate. This is a constant issue, and he has to live with it for the rest of his life. I’m very thankful he is still alive and healthy.  

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a memoir remembering my grandfather's seizure, and what I experienced. 

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