My Person | Teen Ink

My Person

February 7, 2022
By Anonymous

Doesn't everybody have that one person that they are in love with or a person that's just there for them when they need them. Well I found my person and he is very special to me. I don't  ever wanna lose him. But on some days I honestly feel like I am. We  argue a lot though. I don't really know why we both were just hard headed I guess. I met him through my friend and he used to date her and they broke up a long time ago. He said that he liked me but i didn't want him because he had just dated my best friend. 

  But it's just when we argue we both say stuff we don't mean. When we do we both hurt each other. Some might say our relationship is toxic. But I think it's because we both care about each other that much. One specific argument that really hurt us both was about this one girl. Him, her, and me all used to be best best friends. It resulted in us forgiving each other and moving on. 

  We were together all the time. But they were closer and he trusted her more. He  originally liked her first but she didn't like him back.  At the time I really didn't care because i didn't like him like that. So after a month passed he came to me. I say yes we started dating. The day was 11/18/21. We were all still friends and nobody knew but us and her. We went to a trampoline park.

 She decided to get mad at me when I didn't do anything. We stopped being friends. But he and her still were. Then like a week or two passed and an incident happened where she was being touchy with him. I got mad and told him it's me or her…

  So he chose me and that was that. Then she told her mom and her mom told my mom. But my mom doesn't care.That whole situation made me feel bad and that i couldn't trust anybody because even if  we weren't friends she should still have respect and not be touchy with him.  To this day I still don't know why she was mad at me. I don't know how she is now. I don't talk to her like we're not enemies but we don't talk. 

 So basically that's what happened. But we both have to make sacrifices for us to work. We still love each other. That's all about him and our relationship. We say that we're gonna be together forever and we will never leave each other. All couples argue including us but that does not make us not a healthy couple because everybody goes through it.  So we're gonna attempt to not argue. It may happen every once in a while over dumb stuff but now were not arguing as much.

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