Memoir Piece | Teen Ink

Memoir Piece

February 7, 2022
By Anonymous

A bond is a really special thing to have with a person, someone you may strongly care about. That person could be your partner, friend, anything. What matters is the bond you two have together. A person who brings out the best in you is definitely a person you want to keep around. I have found my person and I love having her around. 

My friend and I decided we needed to hang a little more and grasp some fresh air so we agreed on spending a day together at Six Flags. Her mother offered to come get me from my house. It was a ride of smiles and joy. I was so excited to spend time with her. “Okay ladies, we’re here. Have fun!” “Thank you!” we said in accord. We headed on through the entrance from the parking lot. The lady scanned our tickets with a smile directing us towards the park. We dashed straight to the food area smelling the delight of loaded cheese fries. 

“You got a little something on your lip, here let me help you” “Oh, thankyou.” I can feel the nervousness through my teeth. I tilt my head the slightest bit just enough to see if she’s looking back at me. We lock eyes but I quickly break it. We both laugh but I can still feel the tension. “Ready for some rides?” I try to change the topic. “Yeah, let's go.” 

I throw the last little bit of my fruit punch away in the nearest trash. I can still feel a little peck of cheese sauce on the side of my lip from the cheese fries I ate. It’s super windy and even with my jacket still on I feel the goosebumps chase my body. I see her waving me over to the Diablo Coaster with a smile and suddenly I'm not cold anymore. She greets me in a hug “You seem so cold I can see the goosebumps on your face.” I don’t even realize how cold I actually am from the adrenaline rush I'm having. “Oh no, I'm just really nervous for the ride.” In reality, I'm nervous because of her. As we’re getting on the ride my hand glides across hers. “Oh, sorry.” “No worries, you're fine.” She grins at me. I feel the knots in my stomach squeezing my intestines. I feel like I'm gonna puke. She grabs my hand in a tight hold and whispers “it’s okay, im here.” After hearing that all my worries fade. Not even less than a minute I’m back stressed. I hear myself screaming and realize I'm in mid air, upside down. I look to my right and see her laughing at me. “Oh come on, it's not that bad!” Just seeing her laugh makes me laugh. 

Time is flying and next thing I know it's dark already. It's around 9pm, close to closing time. Her phone starts ringing, I glance over and see it's her mom. “Oh let me take this real quick.” She walks away to the little water fountains that's nearest to us. “She’s on her way so she said we can walk to the entrance parking lot.” I nod my head as we walk on. Her finger is lingering on mine but we never lock them. I notice the souvenir shop in the distance. I smile in excitement, “Omg we have to go there!” She lets out a faint laugh and grins at me. I grab her hand, “come on!”

I am amazed by all the little squishies I see. I can't help but pick up everything in sight, I feel like a little kid in a candy shop. I pick up this bracelet and instantly fall in love. It's a blue pennant with my zodiac sign on it, Sagittarius, attached to a brown leather string. “You should get that, it fits you.” She persuades. I smile and nod agreeing. “We gotta go, my mom is here now.” We turn and walk to the counter to purchase. “5.99 please.” I dig into my front pocket only to pull out a crumpled up five dollar bill. “I could’ve sworn I had another dollar or two somewhere.” I think to myself. I'm starting to panic. Shoving my hand into my side pocket inside of my jacket I manage to pull out another five, a breeze of relief sweeps over me. “Thank you, have a nice rest of your night.” I quickly collect my change and the receipt, stuffing everything into my pocket as we make our way out the door. 

About five minutes later we made it to the parking lot. “Do you see her?” “Uh yeah right over there, I think.” We stare at each other in uncertainty. Her mom rolls down the window to wave us over, “Yeah, that’s her” we sigh in sync. “How was it, girls?” She observes. We lock eyes, “Very, very fun.” 

I learned a lot of things this day like being scared of heights and certainly not eating right before a ride is the right thing to do, but the main thing was the bond you could have with a person. A bond is a strong thing to have. It brings people closer at heart and is good for the mind and happiness. A person who brings out the best in you is definitely a person you want to keep around. 

The author's comments:

This piece is just a little wholesome memory I hold closely to me. I wrote about it to put my emotions into words and my experience to share with others. Hope you like it :)

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