a vaction | Teen Ink

a vaction

February 8, 2022
By Anonymous

One summer day I was in my room waiting for something to happen then I was told that me and my family would be going to south beach Florida. When the day came we were going to the airport we got on the plane I was excited to go to the beach when. we got there it smelled bad like cigarettes we called a uber we waited for over an hour it never came so we got a taxi we got in the car on the way there my and my mom were in the back it was so hot we were burning when we got there I was drenched in sweat we got to our room it was cold the beds were hard the ac had mold and weak doors and walls we stayed for the night in the morning we got a new hotel we were happy to find something better and it was close to the beach so we left we were hungry so we got some food I thought it was decent we called a uber this time I was happy for it to come we got we were sweating from the heat of the sun we got there and checked in a room we got in it was cool we got to cool down we got ready and went to the beach it was the first time I touched sand for over a year we got our selfs some chairs and an umbrella got ready and me and my dad went in the water there was kelp in the water there were waves that got bigger every minute I was enjoying this then i saw a boat with ad on the screen then a plane with another ad on it that sucked after a while we went back then got food i was ok day the rest of the days were good and 

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