My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

March 5, 2022
By Anonymous

Lance was the name of my mother, Pennys’ first love. This love can be traced all the way back to the early 80s when my mother was not far younger than me. Lance was a charming young man who cared for others which is what penny admired about him

 However, love has a dark side, a side which fades away at the connections which quickly rests upon this love. 22 years later as my mother is sitting on the tray table gasping for air as she's about to embark on her third kid. “What should be his name”, asked one of my siblings and while she was laying in the hospital a name arose , that name was lance.

 The significance of the name would not be considered if it had no meaning behind it. My mother Penny insisted on this name because of the remembrance of him and his qualities that she would love to have in her own son

  Lance is a name with a variety of meanings and values. This name has 5 letters in it which coincides with the number 5 in angel numbers. This is defined as  “All our dreams can come true IF we have the  courage to pursue them”. This shows that Lance is an optimistic dreamer  When Lance sets his mind to something and truly puts his heart into it Lance will most certainly succeed.

The name lance was to be also considered when my mother was looking for someone in him. Lance is a rather rare name amongst the populus . Leaders are also something rare, someone looking to step up above others.

 Lance is defined as “sharp”, which connects back to how he is a leader. His rare natural name is a part of being a leader. His sharpness eludes that he has an incline to pierce through obstacles in his life, something not seen too much nowadays.

   Each of these definitions connect to the true characteristics of the name Lance. Concluded from above, Lance can be seen with dedication and determination amongst his goals. Connecting this to my personal initiative,  I believe I was gifted with this name to prove my well being in the leadership field.

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