Colorful Emotions | Teen Ink

Colorful Emotions

May 19, 2022
By mood-sleepy BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
mood-sleepy BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Colors are everywhere around us to the point where it doesn’t matter. Do you go to a tree and try to distinguish a certain color? You might do, but for the most part you just say it’s a tree. Going even further, you don’t even point out that there is a tree. It’s just natural for it to be there. Colors are the same for this reason too. Look around you. Whatever space you are in, there will most likely be so many colors around you. Objects equal colors. This is a fact but I also believe that colors are symbols.

Imagine going back to being a child around 4. You are one of the purest beings on earth. Sure you’ll fight and whine a lot, but in every adult’s eyes, it’s temporarily annoying but cute in the long term. You are oblivious to everything except what is in front of you. Every little thing that seems like nothing means the whole world to you. You have definitely fallen for the “disappearing coin trick” as a child. Someone puts a coin in one hand and does the most obvious trick to make it go to the other hand. Your eyes widen as you squeal in shock and happiness. Even if you figure out the trick, you still laugh along while repeating, “That was so obvious!” 

I believe that the color “white” suits a young child the best. A child has no clue of the world and is always happy-go-lucky. They are so innocent with bright big eyes as they laugh about the future, if they even think of it. They have such pure minds that no one could possibly imitate. No actor could even come remotely close to radiating the same whole pureness aura as that of a child. A child is the beginning. They are the beginning for parenthood and their own lives. Once time passes, it won’t turn back. White is a color that radiates pureness, innocence, beginnings, and so much more. It’s a color that you don’t want to taint so I believe a child is perfect for white.

As time goes on, you mature into youth. You know more about the world, so you lose most of the innocence you had as a child. Most of your pureness is lost. Even if you are happy a lot, you also learn that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows anymore. Most of your time is cut out for studying or activities. School is now one of the major worries. So many different and conflicting emotions run through you just in a day. The once clean white slowly turns into other colors.

White to…

*Slam* The sound of your balled up fist contacting the hollow desk. Your eyes turn into slits as you look daggers at the screen in front of you. You lift the iPad from school with your right hand and get ready to pitch it when a thought occurs to your head. It's school property. I gotta control myself no matter how frustrating it is. Slowly you unwind your arm and drop it a few centimeters off the desk. A deep sigh leaves your mouth. One of your hands reaches your temple and massages it with the thumb and middle finger. Then your hand swipes up and pulls the hair above your forehead, then lets it go. You step away from the desk and listen to music for a little bit to calm down.

Anger is a common emotion that everyone experiences. Some people show their anger outright, yelling at others or becoming physical. Other people don’t vocalize or show outright, but they can be cursing or being p*ssed in their heads. When I think of anger, the first thought that comes to my brain is red.

Anger reminds me of fire and fire is red. If fire gets out of hand, it’s impossible to stop it, or it takes a lot of power to do so. In a way, anger is similar. When you become aggravated, you cannot control it. No one picks and chooses when they are genuinely angry. Also when fire burns something, it’ll burn through everything. You don’t choose what you direct your anger at. Being in an emotional state of anger, every little thing bothers you, so you find yourself irritated. Even a simple sound of a pen falling might make you direct your anger on that. For some reason, a fire burning gives me hyped up vibes. Just like when you are angry, you are extremely hyped. No thoughts cross your mind. These are some examples as to why I think of this equation. Fire=Anger

(slight maybe trigger warning?)

Red reminds me of anger because of the color of blood. Blood isn’t a word that gives you shivers when you are talking about it on a normal day, but it’s a different story when you are talking about blood and anger. When you are angry and take it to the extreme, blood can spill. It may be a little or too much. It could be your own self or someone else. A reality that no one wishes would happen but still is reality, is murder. A lot of murder cases have blood in them. In movies or stories, most of the time there is blood. Each and every time, blood is red. Dark or light, it still is a shade of red. When you describe “bloodshot eyes” or “blood filled eyes” you automatically think of the color red. In this case, I think of blood and anger as one combined part of red.  

White to…

Happy. Positivity. Brightness. Optimistic. Enlightening. Creative. Luminous. Warmth. What color comes to your head when you see these words? Orange? Pink? Yellow? Honestly, what you believe represents happiness might differ from what I believe, but I firmly state that yellow represents happiness.

A bright color represents your bright mood instead of a darker color representing your bright mood. Of all the colors, pure yellow is the brightest color. In addition, pure yellow is, in a sense, the closest color to resemble white. White is so innocent and pure, so yellow is the closest of all colors to that pureness. Even though yellow is close to this pure innocence, it still is a separate color from white as yellow has its own distinct identity. The white matured to yellow so yellow gives you bright emotions that only come down to pureness, just like white is used as a base to start coloring it upon. Happiness is sometimes connected with pureness, but most happiness is just this feeling that makes you feel exhilarated and automatically breaks out into a smile. No other thoughts or negative emotions cloud up at that moment. Whatever makes you happy, makes you happy. Beautiful weather could make you happy for the rest of the day and that is thanks to the sunshine, which is yellow. Flowers such as sunflowers and dandelions are aesthetically pleasing to the eye and pleasing to the mind when you see them or receive them. Sometimes the most random things like watching a baby chick on instagram might make you momentarily happy. Happiness doesn’t have to last long or be short. It could be 1 second or 1 year, but in any case, yellow is a symbol of bright and happy things.

White to…

Blue. The last of the three primary colors. The color closest to black. Symbolizing evil, darkness, night, and despair, black is the complete opposite of white. I feel like blue is similar to black too. Blue is a dark color, so it doesn’t give me any cheerful vibes at all. It seems depressing and calmer. It might be because blue is close to black or because it feels right to me, but I think of sadness when I think of the color blue.

You stare ahead as the person you grew up with leaves for good. Hot, salty crystals start forming at the corners of your eyes. Seconds later, a waterfall erupts. You feel the rolls of water streaming down your face but you don’t care. Your vision gets blurry and clouded to the point where you can barely see your own footsteps. You run after the car, tripping on a pile of sticks in the process. Your five senses don’t work. You can’t hear the people calling to you, nor the taps and the shaking of your body. Your mind blanks out as your brain can’t register the sight in front of you. All of these things only happen in a matter of minutes. The sadness in your heart lingers for a while.

Sadness isn’t a bright and happy feeling. It is the complete opposite of yellow. If you see a color chart, blue is the opposite of yellow. (This isn’t why I think blue is sadness, just background info.) On a rainy day, you don’t feel as good as a sunny day. You may feel more tired or less energetic. Rain reminds me of blue. Not just rain but things similar to water in general. Tears are part of sadness. Being sad is normal and crying is normal too. You can cry inwardly, but most of the time, you cry outwardly. Tears drip down your face when you cry, so tears also remind me of blue. 

As a child or even recently, I’m sure you’ve drawn many different things. Have you drawn rain before? Or tears? What color did you use to express rain and tears? I know I used blue when I drew and colored rain and tears. In reality, they are both clear and have no color so I don’t know how rain and tears became blue. It became natural to me since I was younger. This is the reason as to why I think blue is sadness.

Even more time passes on, and you are an adult. I don’t know what being an adult is like yet since only 14 years have passed by in my life. Since I have no experience, picking a color would be difficult since there are so many colors to choose from. The future could be any color. It could be white, all positive but it could be black, all negative. It could be red, yellow, or blue, the emotions we express the most. It could be a complex color, signifying a complex emotion we humans have. The future could be all of these colors combined or even make a new color. If I do pick a color though, I would pick purple.

Purple is a color that means royalty, nobility, luxury, and power. The 4 qualities of purple are the best option to have in life. It’s something that everyone wishes for, and so do I. In my future, I hope to accomplish at least one of these things, if not multiple. I also chose purple because it means “mystery.” Life is a mystery, especially the future. Not just a few years to decades later, but even just a minute, hour, day. A mere second in the future is still a mystery. No one knows what will happen in their life later but that is the best part. A mystery is something you are curious about. You await it while dreading it at the same time. It makes your heart pound with nervousness and excitement. Mystery is a part of the future so I believe purple represents what I want to be, and the parts of my life I will figure out soon.

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