Washington D.C. with Grandma | Teen Ink

Washington D.C. with Grandma

October 14, 2022
By Anonymous

I heard the wheels of the plane smack loudly onto the ground. The wing rocked up and
down. My grandma and I had just landed in Washington D.C. The chilly air felt so fresh blowing
up against my face. We had big smiles as we walked off the plane. We slowly walked through
the airport taking in all the new sights. Then I saw a glimpse of purple and orange- Dunkin
Donuts. I quickly said,” Grandma can we get a donut please?”
She looked at me and smiled with the amazing fun smile she has and said,” Yes, that’s a
great idea!”
We walked over to the area where it was, and I got extremely excited. I grabbed the
glazed donut out of the worker's hand, and I walked over to the conveyer belt with my grandma
and quickly devoured my donut. We grabbed our bags off the belt and hopped in our cab. I said
to my grandma, “Why don't we just get an Uber?”
She looked at me and said, “because they don’t have to be approved by the city.”
I thought this was quite odd considering I had never been in a cab before, but I had a
feeling we were going to have a lot of fun on this trip.
“So, grandma what are we going to do today?”
“Whatever you would like bud,” She replied.
There are so many things to do, I thought. “Well let's look for some breakfast first I am
“Ok I’ll look on my phone.” She replied. After looking at her phone for quite a bit she
then said, “There’s a café a couple blocks down, we can walk.”
I never wanted to walk after I saw electric scooters down every street in town. But my
grandma said it was too cold. “How cold is it grandma?”
“It is 38 degrees outside.”
“Grandma I am not going to survive out there!”
So, I slowly put on my many layers of clothes, yet still wishing there were something to
cover my nose because that was the worst part. I took one step outside, and the frigid air
smacked me in the face. I could already feel my nose getting red. So, we started our trek along
the busy streets of D.C. It was so hard for me to think that someone would live here!
“Only one block to go,” said grandma.
“Ok” I replied. So, I clutched my hood a pulled it over my head and held it there tightly
hoping my ears would not feel any more freezing air. We finally arrived at the café and there
were no food items! I saw nothing just a coffee maker. All this walking in the freezing frigid air
for no food. At least I get to spend time with grandma I thought.
“Ok so what should we do now, bud,” grandma said.
“I guess we could just walk back to the hotel and go down the street,” I said.
So, we started our new journey back, and I saw the electric scooters once again. I wanted
to ride them back to the hotel badly. The way they rode so smoothly, yet such a pain to pay for.
But I knew we could not, so I just kept walking.
We got to our hotel and my grandma told me that there is a Starbucks down the road.
Yes, thank you Jesus finally food! We went inside and it was warm, the room smelled so good.
“Grandma can I have hot chocolate and a sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich?”
“Yes, you may” Grandma replied.
Once I got the sandwich, I immediately took it out of the bag. I started eating it without
caring how hot it was. The sausage was burning my mouth a bit, but I just kept eating. The
cheese was melty and delicious. Then, the hot chocolate came. It was extremely hot. So, I waited
for a few minutes, and then I started to drink. It warmed me up like baseball on a scorching
summer day, in about a minute. I felt like I could walk for miles and miles and go anywhere
without talking about my feet or the cold. “Grandma we should go to a museum today.”
“Ok, anything you want,” she replied.
“Thank you, grandma, "I said
“You're welcome, that was fun! "She replied
“You mean yes, yah is not a word.”
We were walking home from the museum of the bible. It was amazing seeing all the
stories on the walls and the quartz floors in the halls. The steps went up three stories filled with
beautiful truth. The walk was a far one so Grandma told me we could ride the scooters.
“Yes please, Grandma.”
“Ok let's go!”
I had the time of my life on those things. The wind blew straight into my face, but I did
not care if I was on the scooters.
“We are almost to the hotel.” said my grandma at a red light.
“Ok.” I didn’t want to get off these amazing inventions. The thought of lying in bed was
nice though after our long day.
“Hey, I am going to go get the pizza it is in the lobby.”
“Ok see you in a bit.” I was extremely excited having not had pizza in about a week.
Then she came back with the pizza, opened the box, and looked at me. I looked at her in a
confused way and then looked in the box. There was nothing on it, just bread. “What how does
this happen?”
“I do not know,” said grandma.
“What are we going to do!”
“We are just going to eat it,” said grandma
“What! I cannot just eat bread for dinner!”

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