Keeping connected | Teen Ink

Keeping connected

October 21, 2022
By Anonymous

Small and shiny, yet so heavy and dark. They allow you to follow me everywhere but remain unseen. They allow your presence to be felt, you just aren’t here. They will forever be yours but they’re mine until we meet again. My favorite earrings were given to me by my father the day you died. They were your favorite too, it’s not hard to understand why. I wear them every day for you. The silver diamonds shine in the light causing the mascara running down my face to stand out against my black clothes. The blue diamonds make my water-filled eyes pop as my dad pulls me in for a hug as we prepare to say our final goodbyes.

My grandma Mary Was my best friend. I was with her every day for 10 years straight. Until May 2020 when we got the call. Every day for 10 years from the ages 4 - 14 she picked me up from The bus stop. When we went back to her house we walked in and were immediately consumed by the bright orange fuzzy carpet in the red walls that made me feel so at home. Every room had a solid color theme: pink, yellow, blue, and purple. We always sat in the purple room, at my pink Disney princess table and played candy while eating Skinny Pop popcorn (it was her favorite snack). One day when I was 10 grandma looked at me with her piercing green eyes and said “one day these will be yours my little ladybug”.I didn't know what she meant at that time, I was so excited to get them. Now I wish I could see her in them just one last time.


The beautiful white curls that have shiny gray highlights lay perfectly against her pale face and Rosy Cheeks. Her eyes are as green as the leaves on her favorite apple tree. Her lips are the perfect peach shaved. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Even during her last few hours, she wore that beautiful pretty smile so well. 
Walking through the church doors felt cold. I felt all eyes were on me as I looked around to see all the beautiful orange tulips leading me to her. I slowly walked towards her while the church band played Amazing Grace. I could feel my face getting hot and I started to feel nauseous. Seeing her lay there in her white dress with her hands crossed will never be forgotten. I turned around and walked away, I couldn't stand seeing her like that. I touched my ear and I remembered everything she told me and how proud she was I immediately broke down. Even though everyone said goodbye to her that day, I got lucky enough to have her with me all the time.

The author's comments:

This was very difficult for me to write about, she was my absolute best friend.

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