Regrets of The Unspoken | Teen Ink

Regrets of The Unspoken

February 21, 2023
By Aller69 BRONZE, Kearney, Missouri
Aller69 BRONZE, Kearney, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Paul sat upon the trailer, sun beaming down, laughing and enjoying his drink, as the family came together for delicious food. We weren't actually related, but the bond, tight as could be, should've only been described as family. At the time, nothing seemed wrong about how we parted ways as the moon reached its highest peak. Looking at it now - now that this angel of a soul had flown to his forever home - I wish I would've said more. Wish I would have spoke on my love for him, just once more; told him how much his words and wisdom tugged on my heart with each syllable. His knowledge of all things as wide as the Missouri river. His 23 years of adulthood, were all spent in the classroom. His desire to make people smile was something that was constantly pursued. Whether that be through his love for teaching, blessing those around him with the sweet melody of music, or through the cycling races he loved to organize. There was something to admire about such a perfect soul. One who never gave up, and inspired others to not only reach, but soar for the stars. 

The waterfall that was brought to each person's eyes was both heartbreaking and touching at the same time. Hundreds of heartbroken people, in one room, sharing the same emotions over one person being called home. Sharing stories of this goofy yet hard-working man that made us all erupt in laughter. The warmth of happiness and love that he had woven in each of us was truly touching, and it was all shown within one room. The range of emotions had come together like the strum of guitar strings creating a chord. Who knew something so tragic could be seen as something so beautiful. The silent pact we all made that day, to support one another. Whether we saw each every week, once a month, or once a year, we were there for each other; a real-life puzzle put together. So many words that got lost in the chaos in earlier years, that I desperately wish I could. A game of hide and seek that I wish I had won long ago. Long before it was too late - but why look at the darkness of the night when you can embrace the beauty of the sunrise that comes shortly after?

The author's comments:

This piece is about a close family member that passed away suddenly, where even his wife was not able to say goodbye. This man still stands to bring a strong wave emotion to people's hearts. I wanted to capture his beauty in this peace... the good, the bad, and the ugly of the impact of his passing.

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