The $20 Bill | Teen Ink

The $20 Bill

March 8, 2023
By shelby-bellomo BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
shelby-bellomo BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There I was, my five-year-old self, standing in the middle of the baseball park, watching everyone run past me. I was trying to figure out which game I wanted to play next with my new friends I had just met. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and began to walk around. I never 
wanted to leave.  
I looked at the field, wondering where my brother was. I walked over to my mom, “Where’s Brody?” 
She ignored me and kept talking with another parent of someone on the team.  
“Mom! Where’s Brody?”  
She looked down at me, “Can’t you see I'm talking to someone?” 
I walked away, annoyed, because I just wanted to know why he wasn’t where he usually plays. I couldn’t ask my dad, because he was on the field helping coach, and everyone knows that if you are not a player, you cannot go into the dugout without permission. I looked around for my friends and saw them playing with a tennis ball. They were throwing it against the wall and running back and forth. I went over to see what they were playing. “Can I play?” 
He looked at me and asked, “Do you know how?” 
“So, someone throws the ball against the wall, and when the ball comes back, if you don’t catch it, then you have to make it to the wall without getting hit by the ball that someone throws at you”, he said.  
“Oh, never mind,” I said and walked back toward the field.   
I looked out onto the field. I see him!! I thought. “Hi Brody! Hi!” I waved my arms around, trying to get his attention.  
“Shelby! Shh,” my mom was looking down at me.  
“I’m just saying hi,” I snapped back.  
“Okay, but they are trying to focus,” she replied. “Look, he’s up next. Now you can cheer for him”. 
“Go Brody! Hit it really far!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. The boy from the other team threw the ball, and Brody hit the ball making a really loud bing noise. The ball seemed to travel in slow motion, as it kept going, until it went over both fences. It almost hit a car that was driving by. Everyone started screaming. Brody hit his first homerun of the season.  
“Yay Brody!!”. We all clapped and cheered as he jogged around the bases and two more points went on the big board that is at the end of the field. All of his teammates gathered at home plate to give him a high five. 
“Can I go get the ball?” I asked mom. 
“No, silly, you can’t go across the street by yourself. We will go get it after the game” 
“Do you want to go take Brenner to walk around the field?” mom asked.  
“Yes, I will”.  
I grabbed my little brother by the hand and began to walk towards the side of the field. I looked to my left and saw an old baseball.  
“Look Brenner! There's a baseball!”  
Brenner ran in front of me to go grab the ball. “Catch!” he yelled.  
“Let's go throw it where the pitchers warm up,”   
We walked over to the place where the pitchers warm up, and something blowing in the wind caught my eye. It was a small piece of paper. I finally realized what it was. It was $20 dollars!!! I thought. I ran to pick it up. Wow, I'm going to be rich. “I found $20!” I yelled. I took Brenner and walked over to where the stands were. I wanted the whole world to know about what I found. I began to look at it and pull on it. The bill was already old and had many tears in it. I looked over and saw these older girls looking at me. The huge smile on my face lets everyone know how happy I am. I pulled on it some more, and rrrrrrip. The paper tore straight down the middle. When I looked back over at the girls who were watching me, they began to laugh. I was so embarrassed. I began to cry.  
“Uh oh,” little Brenner said.  
I ran over to the stands where my mom was.  
She looked over at me and saw the heartbroken expression on my face. “What’s wrong Shelby?”  
“I found $20 then I accidentally broke it. Then people were laughing at me,” I said cutting in and out, trying to take deep breaths because I had been crying.  
“It’s okay," she tried to tell me. “After Brody’s game is over, we can take it to the bank and see if they can replace it. Look! They are lining up right now to shake hands. We can go tell him congratulations,”  
I got up and walked over behind the dugout, where all the players come out after a game. I saw Brody, and I ran up to him to give him a big hug. “Ew, you’re all sweaty,” I said in disgust.  
“Did you see my homerun I hit?”  
“Yes I saw it!”  
Mom walked up behind Brody, “Great job, Brody! I saw your homerun! That was amazing!” 
“Thanks mom,” he turned to go help his team pick up.  
“We should go celebrate,” mom said.  
“But first, we have to take my $20 to the bank,” I reminded her.  
She grabbed Brenner by the hand, and we started to walk back to the car. Brody stayed back with dad to help clean up the dugout. Mom opened up the car door and helped us get buckled up.  
“Are they going to give me a brand new $20 bill?”  
“I hope so,” she answered.  
We pulled into the banks drive through, and there were two more cars in front of us. I watched the lady in the car put something in a tube, and it shot straight up.  
“Woah, what was that?” I asked Mom.  
“Thats how people in the bank give us stuff, and people in the car give the bank stuff, without actually having to go into the bank,”  
I handed her the $20, and asked, “Are you going to put the money into the tube?” 
It felt like we were waiting in line for twenty minutes. “How long have we been waiting in line?”  
“About five minutes. Oh look, we are next” 
We pulled up and mom rolled down her window. “Hi, are you able to replace a torn $20 bill?” 
I was so excited to get my new bill. I am finally going to be rich! I thought.  
“I’m sorry, no. Our bank does not do that. Maybe try another bank? I have heard of some doing that before,” the bank lady said. “But would you like a lollipop for your kids?” 
My jaw dropped. This is officially the worst day of my life, I thought.  
“They would love one, thank you so much,” Mom reached into the tube and grabbed out the lollipops. She put the thing back into the tube and it shot back up. “Thank you!” Mom turned to me, “I’m sorry Shelb. I know you really wanted the money,”  
I didn’t answer. I turned to the window, and we drove home.  

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