Piano Recital Plunge! | Teen Ink

Piano Recital Plunge!

March 8, 2023
By poopeepee BRONZE, Wesley Chapel, Florida
poopeepee BRONZE, Wesley Chapel, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
one time i was, then i werent.

I hate playing piano. It’s boring sitting on a hard bench for one hour pressing white and black tiles while my teacher, Ms. Stalkman yells at my mistakes. I’m only taking lessons because mom thinks I'll be as good as my big sister, Abi. She uses both hands when she plays her songs while I use two fingers. One time, she played her songs and got a big blue trophy. It looked really cool. I really wanted one so I asked Mom to buy me one I saw at the Dollar Store, but she said I have to play my songs to earn it. Not just play, I have to be the best. I’m really jealous. When Abi won the trophy, Mom took her out for ice cream and gave her a big hug, but she’s not the only one that hugged Abi. So did Anthony. I think his name is Anthony. I watched him practice while I was waiting for my other sister Eva to finish her session. He is even better than Abi. His trophy was double the size of hers.

 Ms. Stalkman said they only give trophies for the teenagers, but I don’t want to play piano for that long. I’m only 5 and a half years old. My mom said “Practice makes perfect, and maybe a trophy,” so maybe I’ll persevere. She’s helping me play my song that I’m playing for my first piano recital, which is today! She told me there’s a fancy place where I will perform it! I’m pretty excited.

The song I’m playing is a Halloween song. I think it’s really cool but it’s hard to play! I have to use 4 fingers to play it instead of 2. Every week I go to Ms. Stalkman to learn a new song, and she said that out of all the other songs she taught me, this song is the one I’m the best at.

“Ok, go into that room to perform in front of your friends.” Mom opens the door and pushes me into the room for a practice recital. There’s a lot of big kids. Maddie Storm is playing a very long song. She’s one of the big teenagers. There are a lot of people watching her play the song so perfectly, including Anthony! I just have to not mess up so I can impress everyone!

“Oh! Madison! There you are!” Ms. Stalkman exclaimed. I want to run away. “Don’t worry! This is only a practice performance.” I walk to the piano and place my chilling fingers on the tiles. I’m not even in my very weird and girly dress my mom bought me just for the concert. She’s making me wear it but I don’t want to, I will for the trophy though. I’m spacing out on the piano, not one blink. Now for my song…

“Little mouse creeps in my room, waiting for his doOm~” I look at Ms. Stalkman, teary eyed! “Oops.” I pressed the wrong note! I’m never ever going to get that trophy! No! I have to push myself! 

“Keep playing,” she said. I played it after a few tries and after I ran out of the room crying and bumped into Mom!

“Why are you crying? The recital is in 30 minutes!” She’s holding 2 boxes. One huge white box from Macy’s and a tiny white box. I know what’s in the huge box! I sprint to the bathroom and inside the box is… Chocolate! No, it’s a fancy-schmancy red rose dress with Eva’s hand-me-down red flats. I put the dress on with my mom’s help.

“Do you like it? It looks really good on you.” Yes! This is the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. 

“It’s pretty, I guess…”

The next second, I’m in this very dark room with some people I saw in the practice recital wearing fancy dresses like me. Maddie and Anthony are here too. They look nervous, but I don’t know why they are. I could hear someone playing the piano outside of some tall curtains. Nobody is talking, so I decide to lighten up the mood and play “bubble gum” with Eva. 

“Bubble gum, bubble gum, in a dish. How many pieces do you-”

“Madison! You’re up,” my mom whisper-yells. I can’t really see her face. I slowly stand up to my horror. That is not my mom. It’s Ms. Stalkman. Where is my mom??

“Just walk through the curtains and play your song.” No! I need my mom’s help or else I’ll mess up like I did in the practice room!
“Where is my mom?!” Eva tells me to be quiet. I don’t think Ms. Stalkman heard me.

“Oh, your mom said you left this in the bathroom.” She hands me the tiny box. Inside is a shimmering red bow inside of it! I remember I picked it out when my mom and I were shopping. Eva helped me put it in my hair right next to the curtain. It’s perfect, like the finishing star on top of a christmas tree! I feel like I’m glowing! I smile at Eva saying “Thank you” and then she pushes me out of the room behind the curtains! My feet stumble backwards stepping into a very bright light. I slowly look behind me, and all I see is the biggest, most gigantic no good scary large crowd. I’m on stage. My legs are shaking!! There is nothing but complete silence and pressure. One creaking step towards the grand piano in the middle of the stage makes my legs shake even more! I slowly sit down on the bench with trembling hands. Everybody is watching me. I see my mom in the audience! I remember when my mom told me to pray when I’m doing something really scary. Ok. Dear God, please help me-

“Hurry up!” Eva yells. I feel my face burn up. I tug on my red bow and place my hands on the piano. Here it goes. 

“Little mouse creep in my room waitING-” Wrong note again?! I hear some chuckles and just stare at the laughing crowd, feeling like a crazy clown at a carnival. My dad is recording me with a thumbs up but it’s slowly turning into a thumbs down. My mom looks confused. I am too. Then I feel something sitting right next to me. Is it Jesus? Did he come down from heaven just to make me not scared? Ok God! I see you answering my prayers! I look to my left and it’s… Anthony? Sitting right next to me? Giving me emotional support? Ok, now I really see you God! I’m blushing. Now I know I got this. 

“Little mouse creeps in a room, waiting for its doom. Walking towards a sleeping cat, fear under the moon...” I forgot the lyrics but it’s the same tune. Now the end! “HAUNTED HOUSE!!” Anthony gives me a big smile and I look to my right. I see everybody clapping, and someone threw a dandelion on the stage! I love dandelions. Wow, that performance went by so fast. Now my face is turning red out of happiness while looking at everyone cheering for me, but I know what else is red! The red heart shaped box of chocolate my mom hands me after the concert! It’s everything I’ve ever wanted. Not even a trophy can beat this milk chocolate goodness. Speaking of a trophy, a fancy dressed guy approaches me and he’s holding the beautiful blue trophy. He’s walking right towards me. I drop the chocolates to open my hands to reach for it, then he walks behind me and hands the trophy to Abi! I look at Abi’s smiling face, and I know that she deserved it. Then I look at the chocolate, and I know that I deserved this too!

I quit piano after that piano performance, but it was worth the chocolate!

The author's comments:

so this is a pov of me when i was 5 years old in my first piano recital! i hope you like it!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 10 2023 at 7:59 pm
poopeepee BRONZE, Wesley Chapel, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
one time i was, then i werent.

oh my gosh what