My chaotic First day of 7th grade | Teen Ink

My chaotic First day of 7th grade

March 8, 2023
By Ggwenythfeldy BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Ggwenythfeldy BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was early one morning when suddenly the jolting cries of my alarm clock pierced my ears. I awoke to the scream of my clock and the thumping of my heart. My body hopped out of bed, yet my mind stayed in slumber. I then faced the cold and set off to put on my makeup.  
I heard my mom scream from downstairs. “Gwen, come down here. We will go in 15 minutes.” 
I could almost see her face. I pictured her beautiful face as red as a beat. “Ok, mom!” I screamed back in a mocking manner. I slept in so I quickly did my makeup, changed, brushed my teeth and hair, then went downstairs. By then it had been 15 minutes and it was time to go. I quickly grabbed a bagel and set off to the car. We were about 10 minutes into the drive when my eyes made direct eye contact with my cold and naked feet. My shoes were not on, and we were running late to school. My mother looked at me lovingly then looked down. Her eyes also made eye contact with my bare feet. 
 “Where are your shoes?” she said with a glare. 
I wanted to lie and say they were right next to me, but I knew she would find out. She always finds out everything eventually. I looked at her straight in the eye and nervously chuckled. “I forgot them.” Her smile turned to a frown as she reluctantly turned the car around to do a U turn. “I am sorry, I swear I thought I had them” I announced with a sorrowful tone.  
“Make sure this does not happen tomorrow” she said in a disapproving tone. 
 I nodded and then we soon arrived home. I ran into the house and grabbed a pair of socks and shoes. I quickly slipped them on and ran back to the house with a swallow and paint. After a long and desolate ride, we arrived at school. We exchanged “I love You's” and I walked away. The time was 7: 45 and I was late. I walked into my class, at least I thought it was my class, and from the front of the room I heard a voice.  
“Not your room, go to the next one.”  
One of my worst fears had happened on the first day of school. I went into the wrong room. “Sorry.” I said cool and collected and opened the door exactly to the left. I nervously walked in and then realized I was in the right room. My chair was standing at the very left side of the room. Due to the craziness of the morning, I grabbed a huge shirt. My hair was ratty, and my skirt was long and large around my waist. I looked homely, but the only thing I was worrying about was how the day was going, and how I was going to get through it. I sat down and listened to what she had to say. After what felt like years, I moved on to second period; I was lost. I wandered the dewy deck despairingly when I came upon my locker. I had found refuge by my locker and waited till I saw a recognizable face. Soon enough I saw an old friend I had known a long time. I gained the courage to ask the girl where 7th grade English is.  
“Hi! English is over there; you can join me that is my class too” 
  I smiled and went off to my next class with her right by my side. I went through the threshold, and, after some time, I saw my name on the tan desk at the back of the room. I zealously ventured to my desk and sat down. After an ice breaker we were in the test zone. Over the summer we were told to read the book, “A Bridge to Terabithia” and today was the day to test on it and for her to see if we read the book. Mrs. Reiss was the name of my teacher. She has kind eyes which made me feel better knowing she was a “test teacher.” 
“This is to test your knowledge about the book, and this will tell me whether you read the book or not. Remember, I know the difference between the book and the movie.” 
I read the book, but I was still nervous. Before I knew it, everything was silent, and we were testing. I resurrected the knowledge of the book and took the test within 10-18 minutes. The test was done and over by the end of the class. I moved on to my next classes fine but PTSD from that morning did stay with me. After 5 long classes I was exhausted and nervous. So far it was a long day of finger pain from constantly pulling out my schedule all the time, but I knew there was no need to pull out my schedule because it was lunch, and I knew it. At the time of the day, I was nervous and excited about it. By that time, I had been hungry, so I was excited to be able to eat but anxious because of the eating arrangement. I grabbed my lunch bag and walked to the lunchroom. I soon figured out that I could not eat in there when I heard the chef say I could not sit there. 
“Get out of that seat and sit outside kid.”  
Without looking back, I quickly walked away from that seat and went outside. I looked at some of the tables, they were empty, then my eyes peered at the one big table where all the girls sat. I walked there and sat next to the girl who showed me where 2nd period was. They all included me, and I felt appreciated. Before I knew it lunch was over, and I went to the rest of my last classes. The day had been long and nerve racking, but I made it through with a couple of friends too. I got picked up and went home. After a long day I had time to reflect, and I realized it was not so bad. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about my first day of middle school. I worked hard on it and think i described exactly how it went good.

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