When pain is the most horrifying thing. | Teen Ink

When pain is the most horrifying thing.

March 9, 2023
By Vatamala BRONZE, Ceresco, Iowa
Vatamala BRONZE, Ceresco, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am the darkness, I am the night, I am the shadows that stalk you at midnight

When pain is the most horrifying thing at the time it makes you cry with tears but no sound.

This happened five years ago the day before school started. I was In 3rd grade sitting there with my dog petting him. Until he growled which was a sign that he did not like it. So I got up but too fast I did that his teeth plunged in then out of my face four wounds all bloody. I was in pain with my screams with no sound and no breath. Until it did I cried my tears I ran to the bathroom with my big brother doing his hair as so as he saw me. He got a washcloth wet and gave it to me to clean up my face. He found our mom to me and then called the ambulance. It is a blur now. But all I remember is the ambulance arriving and them talking with my mom then they asked.

“Would you like to ride with us in the ambulance or with your mom?” asked one of the people who came here in the ambulance.

“W-w-w-with m-m-my mom,” I responded with tears still flowing down my face.

Paper towels to my face, so the blood would not get my mom’s car bloody, as we were on our way to the hospital.

We soon arrived at the hospital. But I remember very little of this. room after room until we reached a room where someone would see me and my mom. To help make the pain less and remove the paper towels without doing more damage.

Soon I went to the next room where I got some Anesthetic gasses to put me to sleep so I could not stop them from stitching my face to close the wounds.

I woke up in a hospital room. First I felt my face because it felt different and I felt the stitches. I was on a bed and two vacant beds on my right and on my left there was the door and an IV fluid bag. In front of me, there was a TV so I looked for the remote and found it but I could not reach it. Now I was no longer laying down but sitting up when the door opened and my mom walked in. I said very little but she seemed to have a lot to say then she asked me if I wanted anything for breakfast. And I said McDonald's and for the remote to the TV, I watched TV until my mom came back with my breakfast. I ate it and she told me that I should not watch too much TV so I didn’t and after I finished my breakfast I went to sleep and I woke up. Close to the end of the day my mom and dad walk in and pick me up to take me home.

When we got home they gave me a letter from all of my classmates and that is when I realized I missed the first day of school. I don't remember much of the day.

I was going to school today. Everyone says hi and stuff the day flies by until it is time for recess. I was not allowed to go outside because it could dry up my stitches so I got the right to pick someone to play with me inside for recess. This went on for maybe a month and a half to two months when it was the day I needed to get my stitches removed. No anesthetic gasses or numbing just straight grab string with tweezers and pull until my stitches were gone. Days go by until it is the day I moved to Cresco, Iowa, my new home. Making friends with people for the first time since my first day of third grade.

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