Getting Above | Teen Ink

Getting Above

October 6, 2023
By Sid______Sid BRONZE, Panorama, California
Sid______Sid BRONZE, Panorama, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was in 9th grade, I did Algebra 2 like most of my peers. I was jealous of the few who were in Precalculus: because I knew I could reach their level. I was ecstatic to find out that there was an upcoming diagnostic which if I passed I could take Precalc over summer and catch up to the people ahead of me. So I studied year-round for the test and passed. My months-long fear of staying behind was gone. I later went on to do calculus in 10th grade and get a 5 on the exam.

The author's comments:

My favorite subject is math and I feel that I need to be as good in it as possible as it is my main strongpoint.

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